@imrehg I got this as a present from a very good pal. I keep meaning to come back to it and finish it but life gets in the way (more specifically #davethediver). I was visiting the #MaryRose ship in #Portsmouth the other day and it felt like I was back in the game.
#davethediver #maryrose #portsmouth
It is now 21 years since the passing of the #National #Heritage #Act 2002 which saw responsibility for #maritime #archaeology pass into the hands of #English %Heritage. Since 2002 there have been a number of major maritime #excavations in the #UK and the aim of the #conference is review each of these and learn the lessons learnt in their execution.
#Marine #Shipwreck #Bournemouth #Dorset #BournemouthUniversity #MaryRose #Colossus #Rooswijk #TheLondon
#national #heritage #act #maritime #archaeology #english #excavations #uk #conference #marine #shipwreck #bournemouth #dorset #bournemouthuniversity #maryrose #colossus #rooswijk #thelondon
It is now 21 years since the passing of the #National #Heritage #Act 2002 which saw responsibility for #maritime #archaeology pass into the hands of #English %Heritage. Since 2002 there have been a number of major maritime %excavations in the #UK and the aim of the #conference is review each of these and learn the lessons learnt in their execution.
#Marine #Shipwreck #BournmouthUniversity #MaryRose #Colossus #Rooswijk #TheLondon
#national #heritage #act #maritime #archaeology #english #uk #conference #marine #shipwreck #bournmouthuniversity #maryrose #colossus #rooswijk #thelondon
The wine-trading #NewportShip, which sank in the #RiverUsk c.1469, has just returned to #Newport - in 2,500 pieces, after #TimberConservation in Portsmouth by the #MaryRose team. Now to find a site for reassembly & display of this great future tourist attraction! Superb storytelling & imagery in the 3 min video at https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-64151535
#MedievalShip #ShipConstruction #MaritimeHistory #archaeology #15thCentury #WineTrade #NewportCastle #medieval #jigsaw #medievodons @medievodons
#newportship #riverusk #newport #timberconservation #maryrose #medievalship #shipconstruction #maritimehistory #archaeology #15thcentury #winetrade #newportcastle #medieval #jigsaw #medievodons