Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Texas Republicans Are Targeting Highways Now to Stop Out-of-State Abortions #Jezebel #antiabortionmovements #texasheartbeatact #jonathanmitchell #abortionintexas #markleedickson #socialissues #maryziegler #neeshadave #roevwade #lawcrime #abortion #davis #wade #roe
#jezebel #antiabortionmovements #texasheartbeatact #jonathanmitchell #abortionintexas #markleedickson #socialissues #maryziegler #neeshadave #roevwade #lawcrime #abortion #davis #wade #roe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Nikki Haley Slams Mike Pence for Lying About Abortion…Then Also Lies About Abortion #Jezebel #nikkihaley2024presidentialcampaign #susanbanthonyprolifeamerica #abortionintheunitedstates #susanbanthonylist #banthonylist #socialissues #maryziegler #nikkihaley #mikepence #comstock #politics
#jezebel #nikkihaley2024presidentialcampaign #susanbanthonyprolifeamerica #abortionintheunitedstates #susanbanthonylist #banthonylist #socialissues #maryziegler #nikkihaley #mikepence #comstock #politics
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Anti-Abortion Activist Facing Trial Won't Be Allowed to Show the 5 Fetuses She Stole #Jezebel #beginningofhumanpersonhood #antiabortionmovements #colleenkollarkotelly #judicialactivism #clarencethomas #kollarkotelly #hazeljenkins #heatheridoni #randallterry #laurenhandy #maryziegler #liveaction #personhood #abortion #roevwade #lawcrime #samalito #jezebel #davis
#jezebel #beginningofhumanpersonhood #antiabortionmovements #colleenkollarkotelly #judicialactivism #clarencethomas #kollarkotelly #hazeljenkins #heatheridoni #randallterry #laurenhandy #maryziegler #liveaction #personhood #abortion #roevwade #lawcrime #samalito #davis
5. Ou en est-on dans le débat sur l' #IVG aux #EtatsUnis ? Après l'abolition du droit fédéral à l' #avortement par la Cour suprême (arrêt #Dobbs en juin 22), le débat s'est démultiplié à l'échelle de chacun des 50 Etats.
#TerryGross reçoit longuement #MaryZiegler la meilleure spécialiste de l'histoire politique et juridique de ce droit.
#ivg #etatsunis #avortement #Dobbs #terrygross #maryziegler