It’s my favorite time of year!
#beer #marzen #oktoberfest #spaten #zeroGravity
#beer #marzen #oktoberfest #spaten #zerogravity
Third beer of the evening - Märzen. This is one of my favorite beers of all time and this recipe from Dan Gordon is such a great gift to brewers. Love it and will brew it often enough to always have on tap.
150 days in the keg. Brewing another in September to drink in March.
#beer #homebrew #marzen #gordonbiersch
Two more days until I pour my Budvar 33, 1870 Vienna Lager* and Tmavé Pivo*. Lagering all coordinated to drink on my birthday. This means I will have those three plus a Märzen and a Dunkel to also enjoy on Thursday. Haven’t decided what to make for dinner but it will have to match beer.
*two of these beer’s recipes thanks to @akrennmair
#beer #HomeBrew #Budvar #ViennaLager #TmavePivo #Märzen #Dunkel #CzechBeer #GermanBeer #AustrianBeer
#beer #homebrew #budvar #viennalager #tmavepivo #marzen #dunkel #czechbeer #germanbeer #austrianbeer
Time for a beer.
Finished my US taxes (living overseas I file 3 months later) and my NZ taxes. NZ makes things so easy while, of course, the US tax system is insanely complicated.
Celebrating getting this monkey off my back by having the always insanely good Schlenkerla Märzen.
That went down really really well. Therefore, time to try the Märzen after another two weeks of rest. It is sublime. All the flavors and aromas are even more balanced and smooth. And since this is Dan Gordon’s recipe it is only appropriate to use a Gordon Biersch glass.
Ticking away nicely, finally, after having a difficult time getting the temp stabilized and the usual lager yeast lag. Learned that with current ambient temps of 15C at night and low 20s during the day need to tell the GF30 and glycol chiller to cool only - no turning on the heater - else you get yo-yo temps
#beer #homebrew #marzen #grainfather
Gorgeous, clear (and tasty) Märzen wort. Ended up at 1.062/15°P. A bit higher than the recipe (1.058). And the yeast starter smells insanely good - quite fruity. Lots of firsts for me with this brew - first real decoction mash, first proper liquid yeast starter. Now waiting for the wort to get to 9° so I can pitch the yeast.
#beer #HomeBrew #Märzen #CraftBeer
#beer #homebrew #marzen #craftbeer
Incredible for me to believe (and to my shame I say) that before this month, I last had this 11 years ago! 😵💫
From Bamberg in Germany, probably the world's most popular smoked beer - the famous Rauchbier by Schlenkerla.
Bottom fermented and brewed with Original Schlenkerla Smokemalt, this 5.1% ABV märzen is dark brown, verging on deep purple and is all of the malty smoked bacon. Liquid smokey pig. Delightful.
#Germany #deutschland #bamberg #marzen #craftbeer #beer #smoke #bavaria
#Germany #deutschland #bamberg #marzen #craftbeer #beer #smoke #bavaria
Neben gutem Märzen gibt es diesen Monat auch Neuigkeiten zu meinem neuen Bildband und zum Lauftraining für Halb- und Marathon, welches gerade gut angelaufen ist.
Zum Bildband
Einen neuen Verlag scheine ich für den Bildband gefunden zu haben. Jetzt warte ich gerade noch auf einen Probedruck und die Freigabe. Dann sehen wir einfach mal weite
#Beertasting #Bildband #booksondemand #Halbmarathon #Marathon #Märzen #Trainingsplan
#Trainingsplan #marzen #Marathon #Halbmarathon #booksondemand #bod #bildband #beertasting
Teile der Familie liegen mir der zweiten #covid Infektion im Bett. Fieber, Husten usw. In diesem Fall hat die Krankschreibung am Telefon natürlich nur Vorteile. Den gelben Zettel braucht man ja auch nicht mehr abzuholen. Bin gespannt wann es mich erwischt 🫤
Jetzt das #feierabendbier . Sehr lecker 😋
#covid #feierabendbier #marzen #Berg #Ehingen
When a beer recipe says “rests at…” in a decoction mash how long should the rests be?
“Decoction mash with rests at 104°F (40°C), 126°F (52°C), 144°F (62°C), 155°F (68°C), 162°F (72°C). Step by pulling 25% of mash, boiling for 10 minutes, and remixing with main mash to hit step temperatures.”
#beer #HomeBrew #Märzen
Oooooooo.... Weberfest bier, latest batch.
Märzen/IPA made with a lot of Bavaria Mandarin hops that I grow organically in the garden.
Total orange flavour bomb 🍊
Clarity could be better, but it's the first proper glass from a new keg, and for Weberfest we drink it cloudy.
#ipa #Märzen #bavariamandarin #CraftBeersOfMastodon #craftbeer #homebrew #homebrewbeer #Weberfest
#ipa #marzen #bavariamandarin #craftbeersofmastodon #craftbeer #homebrew #homebrewbeer #weberfest
Oooooooo.... Weberfest bier, latest batch.
Märzen/IPA made with a lot of Bavaria Mandarin hops that I grow organically in the garden.
Total orange flavour bomb 🍊
Clarity could be better, but it's the first proper glass from a new keg, and for Weberfest we drink it cloudy.
#ipa #Märzen #bavariamandarin #CraftBeersOfMastodon #craftbeer #homebrew #homebrewbeer #Weberfest
#ipa #marzen #bavariamandarin #craftbeersofmastodon #craftbeer #homebrew #homebrewbeer #weberfest
@schattendasein @chsoistdas Ich hatte es gestern verschwitzt, also jetzt erstmal der Nachzügler: #Kalea deutsches #Craftbeer #Adventskalender 2/24: #Eulchen #Märzen. Riecht und schmeckt lieblich, süffig, klar, bernsteinfarben. Für mich zu wenig #Hopfen. Aber vegan laut Etikett, also ist keine Ratte in den Braukessel gefallen oder was? Schmeckt sehr leicht, hat aber 5,4 Volt. Nichts was mir groß in Erinnerung bleibt, aber okay für ein Märzen.
#kalea #craftbeer #adventskalender #Eulchen #marzen #Hopfen
#Oktoberfest with #AleSmithBrewing begins this weekend (September 10)! The brewery heralds the return of its AleSchmidt Oktoberfest #Märzen, and kicks off its weeklong Oktoberfest celebration at the #SanDiego tasting room from the 10th through the 17th.
#sandiego #marzen #alesmithbrewing #oktoberfest