RT @DSA_Palestine
This was reported on by @ShireenNasri and now the Israeli Occupation Forces have claimed both lives, that of Harun and that of Shireen.
The reality of apartheid is long and torturous…
#ApartheidIsrael #FreePalestine #MasaferYatta https://twitter.com/jalalak_jojo/status/1625433347408158720
#apartheidisrael #freepalestine #masaferyatta
RT @Antigon84594285@twitter.com
Il primo gennaio più di mille palestinesi residenti nel territorio di #MasaferYatta hanno ricevuto l'ordine di sfollamento dalle loro case da parte dell'occupante israele. Questa è una azione di pulizia etnica, crimine contro l'umanità in violazione della convenzione di Ginevra
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Antigon84594285/status/1610556991541317634
Israeli occupation forces confiscated on Tuesday a Palestinian tent in #MasaferYatta, south of Hebron, where whole communities are at risk of forced displacement.
#masaferyatta #palestine #israel
RT by @jungewelt: Das #israel|ische Militär hat in #MasaferYatta die einzige Schule dem Erdboden gleich gemacht.
Weltweit werden nirgends so viele Schüler*innen bei Angriffen auf Schulen verletzt wie in #Palästina.
Mein Beitrag morgen in @jungewelt.
#israel #masaferyatta #palastina #savemasaferyatta
RT @abierkhatib@twitter.com
Remember the kids that #Israel demolished their school in #MasaferYatta? Well, here they are, in a tent attending their classes.
That’s an act of resistance in a cowardice world.
Photo source: Issam Rimawi
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/abierkhatib/status/1599044990898143232
Take one small action today to #SaveMasaferYatta #FreePalestine
Let's push UK Government to take notice of the plight of #MasaferYatta residents and prevent their ongoing forced expulsion.
Sign and share the petition widely:
#savemasaferyatta #freepalestine #masaferyatta
RT @UKinJerusalem@twitter.com
UK🇬🇧 shares dismay of like-minded missions that Israeli forces demolished the Isfey al-Fouqa school in #MasaferYatta just one day after UK and other partners visited. The donor-funded school provided education to Palestinian🇵🇸 children from three vulnerable communities. (1/2)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UKinJerusalem/status/1595475146210525228
RT @muhammadshehad2
Apologists will insist that it's UNRWA textbooks that make Palestinian students hate #Israel & not powerlessly watching your school demolished by IDF soldiers hellbent on displacing your entire community!
Israel's latest war crime today in #MasaferYatta: