#Russia could "create chaos" by detonating the nuclear power plant controlled by Moscow's troops, he said. "Blowing up a nuclear power plant from outside is extremely difficult and Ukrainians do not have capability to do that," said #Masala. "If they did, it would take a long time so they would be easy targets for Russian air defenses," he added. The accusations from Russian side are therefore very unrealistic.
According to a German mil-expert, #Ukraine does not have the military capabilities to blow up Russian-occupied #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from outside. In the face of mutual accusations by warring parties in relation to the power plant in southern Ukraine, Carlo #Masala, a political scientist at University of Federal Armed Forces in Munich, told dpa news agency that such a "detonation is extremely difficult".
#Zaporizhzhia #masala #Ukraine
🧵 3/ Masala: Recipes from India, The Land of Spices/ Anita Jaisinghani ⬆️
There are so many dishes to love in this book. Pakoda, spicy salads, a cactus curry!, dals, soups. Some Indo-Chinese dishes. The dishes come from or are inspired by many regions of India, but all have the trademark Gujarati simplicity.
Recommended for those who want to push their knowledge of spices to a new level, people who love Indian and Indian-influenced cooking and people who get excited by pushing the boundaries of their cooking repertoire.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #cooking #Masala #AnitaJaisinghani
#IndianFood #GujaratiFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #cooking #masala #anitajaisinghani #indianfood #gujaratifood
🧵 2/ Masala: Recipes from India, The Land of Spices/ Anita Jaisinghani ⬆️
There is much to love in this book. I love that she calls curry leaves as kari leaves (far more correct that curry leaves) but am disappointed that she calls some dishes like dals and bean dishes as "stews". For a book that is so educational, it is a pity that that approach has not also carried through with the recipe nomenclature. I guess she needs to appeal to the American market.
The paper is beautifully matt, so excellent for note jotting and inspirational thoughts.
There is a quick Table of Contents with chapter names - the recipes are divided by dish type - and also a second ToC that also lists the recipe names. A big ✔️ for that. The index is extensive.
It does not have an in-book bookmark, sadly. A book of this size needs 2 at least.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #cooking #Masala #AnitaJaisinghani
#IndianFood #GujaratiFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #cooking #masala #anitajaisinghani #indianfood #gujaratifood
🧵 1/ Masala: Recipes from India, The Land of Spices/ Anita Jaisinghani
The third in the pile of 4 Indian cookbooks that I am reviewing (and running a little behind on). Surprisingly, this is also a book whose author is also from Gujarat! That's the 3rd book in recent times highly influenced by the wonderful Gujarati cuisines.
This book is increasing in chefy-ness, also as promised. Anita runs Pondicheri restaurant in Houston, Texas. An interesting name - Pondicherri (now reverted to Puducherry) is a beautiful town in Tamil Nadu with huge french influences due to French colonisation.
Masala: Recipes from India, The Land of Spices, by Anita Jaisinghani
Published: 2022
Publisher: Affirm Press
Pages: 304
Price: Around $40AU, but always check around as prices vary. Ebooks can be cheaper.
171 recipes, 120 of which are meat-, fish- and egg-free. Not a bad ratio. 👯
This book will change the way you think about spices. It begins with a huge (and fascinating) 70 pages of information about India, India's food history, the Indian approach of food as medicine, Ayurveda and its 6 tastes (Sweet, Salty, Sour, Astringent, Pungent and Bitter), key spices and more....
It is not a book of traditional Indian recipes, although many are there, and not quite in the genre of #ModernIndianFood. Its very interesting approach is to take the spices, and therefore flavours, of India and create dishes that could be Indian.
The book feels like a reference book. It is, at the same time, like a book you'd find in a chef's kitchen, and a teaching/informing book with information about each recipe and its ingredients. MANY RECIPES HAVE NOTES FOR A PLANT-BASED VERSION. 💯
There are not as many photos in this book, although there are still plenty.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #cooking #Masala #AnitaJaisinghani
#IndianFood #GujaratiFood
#modernindianfood #cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #cooking #masala #anitajaisinghani #indianfood #gujaratifood
🎬 #Queer #Film #History | #VitoRusso pioneered the study of how #LGBTQ+ folks were portrayed in movies. In 1995, his book "The Celluloid Closet" was made into an award-winning doc.
▶️ Often #queerness in film was relegated to subtext, as it was in "Ben Hur" screening now @ #TCM. In this clip, screenwriter #GoreVidal reveals the queer subtext of the relationship between #BenHur and #Masala only one of the actors knew about.
#movies #classicmovies #Interpretation https://youtu.be/hfaIzmoIkEc
#Interpretation #classicmovies #Movies #masala #benhur #gorevidal #tcm #queerness #lgbtq #vitorusso #History #Film #Queer
#Allen的美食日記 #streetfood
#台灣Vtuber #Vtubers #Vtuber #Taiwan
#素食 #masala
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Travel Thirsty: Indian Food – The BEST CHICKEN TIKKA MASALA & GARLIC BUTTER NAAN Brick Lane Curry House https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1640894/travel-thirsty/
#bread #BRICK #butter #butterchicken #butternaan #chicken #chickencurry #chickentikkamasala #cornishhen #curry #food #garlic #garlicnaan #house #Indian #indianfood #indianstreetfood #Lane #masala #NAAN #newjersey #newyorkcity #nj #nyc #tandoor #tandoori #tandoorichicken #Thirsty #TIKKA #tikkamasala #travel #TravelThirsty #TravelThirsty #Vlog #Vlogger #YouTube #YouTuber
#brick #butter #chicken #curry #GarlicNaan #house #indianstreetfood #lane #masala #tandoorichicken #thirsty #bread #Butterchicken #butternaan #garlic #indian #indianfood #vlog #chickencurry #ChickenTikkaMasala #cornishhen #food #naan #newjersey #newyorkcity #nj #nyc #Tandoor #tandoori #tikka #tikkamasala #travel #TravelThirsty #vlogger #youtube #youtuber
RT @Anonymous9775
🇩🇪 kann Panzerzusage nicht einhalten?Gut das der Irre im Kreml nicht 🇩🇪 überfallen hat.Bei dem Chaos stände #Putin wahrscheinlich schon am Rhein während #Bundeskanzler & #Pistorius noch Gespräche führen
#Nationalismus #NATO #Masala #Verhandlungen #Soldaten
#putin #bundeskanzler #pistorius #nationalismus #nato #masala #verhandlungen #soldaten
@TwraSun Putin ist ein Verbrecher, kein Verhandlungspartner, und ich schätze @carlomasala1, aber der Begriff "Nationalpazifismus" überzeugt mich nicht. Erstens möchte ich Pazifismus als Grundidee nicht abgewertet haben, zweitens, was ist an Wagenknecht und Schwarzer national(istisch)? #Masala
Masala vs. Varwick: "Das ist kein Kompromiss, Johannes" - n-tv.de
Der eine ist für #Waffenlieferungen, der andere dagegen, beide argumentieren mit Europas Sicherheit. Grund für die unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen ist ein komplett anderer Blick auf #Russland. In Frankfurt streiten die Politologen #Varwick und #Masala erstmals öffentlich.
#waffenlieferungen #russland #varwick #masala
1/🧵 Verhandlungen sind aktuell unrealistisch. Carlo #Masala und Christian #Mölling haben das sehr kurz analysiert.
Für Verhandlungen müssen sich die Parteien von Gesprächen mehr verhoffen, als von einer Fortführung des Krieges. Sprich weiter Krieg muss mehr Verluste bedeuten als Entgegenkommen bei Gesprächen. Hier sind wir nicht angekommen.
Zweitens muss es etwas geben, worüber man verhandeln könnte aus Sicht der Kriegsparteien. Dies ist ebensowenig gegeben
On military expert Carlo #Masala's point of view, the step would not be impossible, but it could even make military sense. At the same time, he makes it clear: "'Melnyk demands' does not mean 'Germany (or others) will deliver'".
RT @AnneWillTalk@twitter.com
Am Sonntag, den 29.01.2023 um 21:45 Uhr diskutiert @annewill@twitter.com mit Kevin #Kühnert, @Janine_Wissler@twitter.com, @Afelia@twitter.com, Carlo #Masala und Georg #Mascolo
@AnneWillTalk@twitter.com @DasErste@twitter.com
#Talkshow - Reise nach Irgendwo
#Illner #Maischberger #Lanz #HartAberFair #AnneWill : Überall die gleichen Nasen mit immer den gleichen Antworten auf die immer gleichen Fragen...
#Kühnert #Alexander #Stegner #Röttgen #Spahn #Söder #Reul #Masala
#talkshow #illner #maischberger #lanz #hartaberfair #annewill #Kuhnert #alexander #stegner #rottgen #spahn #soder #reul #masala
„Natürlich gibt es Integrationsdefizite“, aber „man spuckt all denjenigen ins Gesicht, die hier seit zwei, drei Generationen leben, mit deutschen Pass und Migrationshintergrund oder ohne deutschen Pass und Migrationshintergrund (...), die hier in dieser deutschen Gesellschaft normal leben und arbeiten“. Dem, was Carlo #Masala bei #Lanz gestern u.a. an die Adresse der Berliner #CDU gerichtet hat, ist nichts hinzuzufügen.
Very interesting!
“Ali Ahmed Aslam, 77, Dies; Credited With Inventing Chicken #Tikka #Masala” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/dining/ali-ahmed-aslam-dead.html
Tikka Masalassa tekemässä tikkajuttuja #tikka #masala #kirkkonummi #luonto #valokuvaus #metsa #talvi
#talvi #metsa #valokuvaus #luonto #kirkkonummi #masala #tikka