One last one from the bonfire the closes the celebration at Vila Boa, sitting down after a long, fun and tiring day.
Vila Boa, Trás-Os-Montes, Portugal 🇵🇹, February 2022
#portugal #trasosmontes #entrudo #shrovetide #carnaval #carnival #mascaro
#mascaro #carnival #carnaval #shrovetide #entrudo #trasosmontes #portugal
It’s no secret that I love how fire is a important part of some winter festivities, specially here at Vila Boa (I even wrote a post in my blog about it). And this year, just like all the previous, the chaotic procession of masked people and everybody else who joined the party ends at a big pile of wood, ready to be lit.
Vila Boa, Trás-Os-Montes, Portugal 🇵🇹, February 2022
#portugal #trasosmontes #entrudo #shrovetide #carnaval #carnival #mascaro
#mascaro #carnival #carnaval #shrovetide #entrudo #trasosmontes #portugal