It’s a picture for Leather Daddy Mon - oh wait never mind it’s #MascMonday. But also #TransLeatherDaddy and #TransButch
#mascmonday #transleatherdaddy #transbutch
@maloki I actually posted a selfie today, but I guess the beard makes it less applicable for #FineFemmeFriday.
(Note to self: post a new selfie for #MascMonday and consider #Wenbiesday)
#wenbiesday #mascmonday #FineFemmeFriday
New Haircut, playing around :D
image marked sensitive for side-eye contact
eu pedi sugestões de tags interessantes pro pessoal do gringoverso e vou compilar o que apareceu aqui pra vocês darem uma olhada:
- #waterDrinkers - pra fotos, lembretes, e etc relacionado a beber água.
- #StandingStoneSunday - pra compartilhar fotos de construções de pedras a la Stonehenge no sábado
- #keepFediWeird - celebração de como o fediverso é esquisito mesmo e ta tudo bem.
- hashtags pra postarem selfies. tem #FineFemmeFriday , pra pessoas com apresentação feminina, #wenbiesday pra pessoas não binárias e #mascMonday pra pressoas com apresentação masculina
- #DisabilityLifestyle - pra compartilhar a vida com alguma deficiência
- #fursuitFriday - compartilhar fotos com fursuits
(sim eu verifiquei e são todas hashtags ativas)
enfim, como cês podem ver, tem hashtags pra caralho. se inspirem e criem as de vocês :blobtea:
#WaterDrinkers #StandingStoneSunday #keepfediweird #FineFemmeFriday #wenbiesday #mascmonday #disabilitylifestyle #fursuitfriday
A week on Mastodon:
#mascmonday #twinktuesday #wenbiesday #ThirstThursday #finefemmefriday #caturday #soothingsunday
been meaning to post a selfie since i cut my hair a little while back
but here are some hashtags for #FollowFriday since u can follow them now
#MastoTips #FediTips
#MastoHelp #FediHelp
#MastoGuide #FediGuide
#FediGuide #mastoguide #fedihelp #mastohelp #feditips #mastotips #wenbiesday #mascmonday #finefemmefriday #followfriday
@AudreyJune I never contributed, but it would be nice to bring back the #MascMonday and #FineFemmeFriday tags for selfies... I know there was an enbies hashtag too, but I can't remember what it was.... :da_sweat:
I don't think I can tell from a selfie, because I think it's likely to be more about my gait than anything, but I tried taking a selfie of how i look when I'm not taking a selfie while I'm walking home because a) it amuses me b) I I just noticed the other day I have taken like no selfies for a month which is not a sign of great mental health for me and c) I guess it's #MascMonday.
@PostMasterGeneral @moiety I mean, it was #mascmonday yesterday and NOTHING! For weeks, it feels.