One Punch (Man) is the Loneliest Number.
Billie Jean Grey - Michael Jackson
#mashupasongandsuperhero #hashtaggames #hashitout
Any old Iron Man
Free Nelson Mandalorian
#HashtagGames #mashupasongandsuperhero
"O Superman (for Superman)"
#HashtagGames #mashupasongandsuperhero
Well, of course there's that old Jethro Tull sorat-hit:
Sitting in Atlantis
Eying little fish with keen intent
Kelp tangled in his hair
Looks a bit Khal Drogo sitting there
Hey! Aquaman!!!
There on his throne
There in his sunken city
Taking time in his old sodden keep
Boring the fish
And showing them no pity
Eating all the ones who falls asleep
[&c., under the sea]
#HashtagGames #mashupasongandsuperhero
#MashupASongAndSuperHero Smells like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Spirit
#mashupasongandsuperhero #HashtagGames
The Human League - He-Man
"I'm only He-Man, born to make mistakes"
Honorable mentions:
David Bowie - This is not Captain America
New Order - Bizarro Love Triangle
Bronski Beat - Beast Boy
Thompson Twins - Don't mess with Dr. Fate
#mashupasongandsuperhero #hashtaggames
When you're Dr. Strange
Captain American Woman
Boris the Spiderman
Supermanic Monday
Magneto and Steel
Silver Surfer Girl
#mashupasongandsuperhero #hashtaggames