Thank you to the event organizers who have been reaching out!
We welcome your inquiries, our email is on our profile. We've been reviewing policies, making recommendations, and exploring how to navigate logistical constraints.
In the coming weeks we'll begin announcing events that are making the #PHPledge, and we'll be launching the first draft of our organizing guide early in the new year.
Together we can make events more safe and inclusive!
#maskUp #COVID19 #dei #events #healthandsafety #PHPledge
101 people from all around the globe are standing up to say:
📣 I am committed to diversity and inclusion, including people with disabilities, chronic illness, and caregivers, therefore I pledge to only participate in or organize events that have robust Health and Safety policies.
You can join them:
Are you an event organizer? Make the pledge as an event! We'll start announcing organizational signatories soon.
#healthandsafety #PHPledge #events #maskUp #CovidIsNotOver
We're about to cross 100 signatories on the Public Health Pledge!
Signatories come from all over the globe, are organizers, speakers, sponsors, and participants.
No matter who you are, if you want events to be safer and more inclusive, we welcome your signature.
Learn more and take the pledge:
#PHPledge #HealthAndSafety #Events #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #WeKeepUsSafe
#wekeepussafe #maskUp #CovidIsNotOver #events #healthandsafety #PHPledge
In honor of International Day of People with Disabilities, we want to amplify a request disabled people have been making, which too often falls unheard:
Wear a mask 😷
#IDPWD #IDDP #MaskUp #WearAMask #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask #maskUp #iddp #IDPWD
Great meeting with #PHPledge team members yesterday. We're getting our ducks in a row for the next big push.
In the meantime, we're still looking for individuals, events, and organizations who are willing to take the pledge!
Join us in committing to more safe and inclusive events.
✍🏽 Learn more and sign at:
#CovidIsNotOver #PublicHealth #MaskUp #HealthAndSafety #Disability #Solidarity
#solidarity #disability #healthandsafety #maskUp #publicHealth #CovidIsNotOver #PHPledge
Bei allem Geschimpfe über maskenlose Egos im Supermarkt:
Gemessen an der Maskenquote im Holland-Urlaub sind wir hier echt noch gut bedient. Dort trägt niemand eine, nirgendwo. 😶