@luckytran Three years in, why is there no certification of children's masks in the US?

Why hasn't there been an educational campaign of how to choose and use the proper mask and when to wear it?

Why isn't there a push to make air quality standards?

We're missing so many opportunities to do this better. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it disappear.

#COVIDisAirborne #qualitymasks #n95 #kf94 #kn95 #maskappropriatelyfortheconditions

Last updated 2 years ago

@TimWardCam Too many in my area think the rates are low, despite levels showing they're not. You're smart to not go many places if you don't like to wear a . I'm used to them and wear them as needed, just like boots and a winter coat. Dress appropriately and .

#wastewater #mask #maskappropriatelyfortheconditions

Last updated 2 years ago