Just finished #MaskGirl on Netflix. Wow, it was absolutely not what I expected... an intertwined thrilling dark story with bits of comedy. I liked the show very much. It reminded me of Park Chan-wook's Vengeance Trilogy (most people only know the second film "Old Boy").
(CW physical and psychological violence, it's way darker than Squid Game.)
Decided on a whim to watch #MaskGirl. I really didn’t know what to expect.
It’s much darker than I anticipated.
Honestly thought it was just going to be a comment on the 21st Century obsession with fame, social media and unachievable beauty standards but it‘s so much more.
I’m halfway through and would recommend it.
Ich bin auch gerade dabei, die Serie #MaskGirl zu beenden, die voller Unsinn, aber sehr schnell ist. Wenn man sie nicht anschaut, hat man nichts verloren. Ich bin in den letzten 2 Episoden, wenn sich meine Meinung ändert, werde ich wieder schreiben
#MaskGirl hat mich krank gemacht, ich weiß nicht warum. Ich wünschte, ich hätte nie damit angefangen. Ich glaube nicht, dass es halten wird, was es verspricht.
#Netflix #假面女郎 #MaskGirl
#李寒星 #NANA #高賢廷 #安宰弘 #廉蕙蘭
#天生我材必有用 #青菜蘿蔔各有所愛
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Is the character in #MaskGirl really as "traditionally" ugly as the show says she is? (That's the conceit of the (early, at least) show - I'm not being judgemental!)
TV TONIGHT (August 18)
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Heute neu: Mask Girl bei Netflix #MaskGirl #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#maskgirl #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
Coser IG(即Ins):love.y.26
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