"Our results indicate that fit hacks have the potential to significantly increase the fit of face masks, with an improvement of almost 800% having been recorded. […]We identified two key contributory factors: the type of mask and the facial features of the wearer. The most effective hacks tested in this study were the application of tape to seal the edges of the mask and placing pantyhose over the mask. "
#CovidIsNotOver #maskhack #MaskUp
I🖤you #fangirl
Don’t have the diagram handy, but there is a #maskHowTo with 2 #rubberbands that by all appearances seems to get #daresay an #airtight fit
If I didn’t make my own 6-layered air-tight mask that I felt secure in, I would do the #maskHack & cut a #silk #charmeuse or #twill fabric to wear as first layer as silk #properties work great in #humid environments which #breathing is
Will have to look through gillions of #screenshots to find it, but will post soon💕🌈
#fangirl #maskhowto #rubberbands #daresay #airtight #maskhack #silk #charmeuse #twill #properties #humid #breathing #screenshots