Today's new #review covers #MaskOfConfidence. "As in Reuter’s Truce project, Trentini provides outstanding fretless bass work that will remind listeners of #MickKarn, and the addition of the woodwinds certainly harkens to some of Karn’s solo albums. But this is no mere nostalgia trip..." #ExposeOnline #progrock
#progrock #exposeonline #mickkarn #maskofconfidence #review
#NowPlaying #MaskOfConfidence on #MoonjuneRecords #MickKarn may be gone, but #FabioTrentini carries on the magic.
#nowplaying #maskofconfidence #moonjunerecords #mickkarn #fabiotrentini
#nowplaying #MaskOfConfidence - same I am a sucker for #MickKarn style bass, and #FabioTrentini has got it down. Helps that the rest of the band is good too. #progrock
#nowplaying #maskofconfidence #mickkarn #fabiotrentini #progrock