Dad got #covid this summer with my cousin and sister because they all just wanted a British family birthday here in #BC for his 80th.
We had been booked to join them up coast but found out two days prior to leaving. We called off the trip with several folks covid sick at the house we were planning to stay.
It was then we discovered #bcferries no longer refunds for covid cancellations, as to them the pandemic is over. We had to pay to drop our reservation days from our trip, knowing the ferry we had reserved would only be 75% full.
For #BritishColumbia businesses like #bcferries, ignoring the pandemic is just an extra cash grab. Book another ferry now, pay us 20 bucks or go get sick. They ultimately profited off our loss.
#LetErRip #NewDeathParty, #NoDataParty #BCndp, #BCmedia, #bonniehenry and #adriandix are the pack of unrepentant #GBD spiders who’ve spun this covid web of deception lulling our population into #complacency and #ableism.
Profit over kindness is what they’ve successfully preached.
We must vote every one of these anti mask, anti health covid #minimizers out. We must demand a true independent inquiry of this #bcndp and their #GreatBarrington #Eugenics #LetErRip #surrender to #covid19bc.
#BCndp needs to #FireBonnieHenry and attempt to restore trust in #BCHealth. British Columbia deserves true health leadership, not more #lies and #propaganda from a longtime corrupt govt shill.
#BCpoli #CDNpoli #Corruption #Capitalism #COVIDIsNotOver #masks4healthcare #Masks4All
#covid #bc #bcferries #britishcolumbia #leterrip #newdeathparty #nodataparty #BCNDP #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #adriandix #gbd #complacency #ableism #minimizers #greatbarrington #eugenics #surrender #COVID19BC #firebonniehenry #bchealth #lies #propaganda #BCpoli #corruption #capitalism #CovidIsNotOver #masks4healthcare #masks4all #cdnpoli
Seeking a few more players for a beginner-friendly, any-musical-level, #CovidCareful string orchestra for Nottingham!
If you play, or would LIKE to play,
• violin
• viola
• cello
• bass
& you either want to be covid-careful yourself, or don't mind masking to help others...
then this might be the orchestra for you!
Please boost for reach, esp if you know people in England :-)
#music #orchestra
#CovidCautious #CovidIsAirborne #masks #Masks4All #LongCovid #disability
#covidcareful #music #orchestra #covidcautious #COVIDisAirborne #masks #masks4all #LongCovid #disability
Useful resource from the Brooklyn Art Book Fair team on running a fully-masked event!
What they did, how they explained it to visitors, etc.
#masks #Masks4All #inclusion #CovidCareful #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver #events
#masks #masks4all #inclusion #covidcareful #COVIDisAirborne #covidisntover #Events
Ppl should read this WHO report from 30th Jan 2023
#covid #masks4all #pandemicnotover #covidnotover
#covid #masks4all #pandemicnotover #covidnotover
Oh, and the 3M Aura 9330+ FFP3 respirators are amazing - they fit perfectly (no air leakage around the edges) and they’re super comfy. I’ve been wearing mine all day long.
#masks4all #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp
Totally the guy who should be running Twitter. 🙄
Only people who think via consensus ever thought masks did anything to prevent transmission.
Homemade face masks for everyone may be part of the solution for slowing the spread of coronavirus. We may need to:
1. Test
2. Trace
3. Quarantine infected
4. #masks4all
Big thanks to for leading the way on this. This video explains more:
14. It is disabled people fighting for justice that change laws. That make regulations to protect people & the environment, who advocate for better healthcare coverage. #Disabled are literally on the frontlines. The canaries in coalmines, that reveal the toxicity in environment.
#disabilityJustice #equality #labor #tikkunolam #repair #heal us #healtheworld #healthy #whole #holy #union #solidarity #masks #masks4all #unity #oneness
masks are a visible act of solidarity & love. UNITE!
#disabled #disabilityjustice #equality #labor #tikkunolam #repair #heal #healtheworld #healthy #whole #holy #union #solidarity #masks #masks4all #unity #oneness #oneworld
14. It is disabled people fighting for justice that change laws. That make regulations to protect people & the environment, who advocate for better healthcare coverage. #Disabled are literally on the frontlines. The canaries in coalmines, that reveal the toxicity in environment.
#disabilityJustice #equality #labor #tikkunolam #repair #heal us #healtheworld #healthy #whole #holy #union #solidarity #masks #masks4all #unity #oneness
masks are a visible act of solidarity & love. UNITE!
#disabled #disabilityjustice #equality #labor #tikkunolam #repair #heal #healtheworld #healthy #whole #holy #union #solidarity #masks #masks4all #unity #oneness #oneworld
As well as musicians, and people in the East Midlands, I'd like to connect with other people who are planning covid-careful events, or who appreciate going to them. I feel like we're swimming against the tide at the moment (the "covid is over" tide) and it's heartening to stick together :-)
#CovidCareful #CovidIsAirborne #access #disability #Masks4All
#covidcareful #COVIDisAirborne #access #disability #masks4all
For #Ontario folks around #BringBackMasks. Sign this petition!
#Mask4TheKids #MasksWork #Masks4All #ONPoli #HospitalsInCrisis #N95sForAll
#ontario #BringBackMasks #mask4thekids #MasksWork #masks4all #onpoli #hospitalsincrisis #n95sforall
Olen ollut jyrkästi eri mieltä perussuomalaisten kanssa naamioitumisen kieltämisestä.
Vastustan naamiointikieltolain säätämistä Suomeen:
#Burkakieltoa olisi vaikeaa kirjoittaa lakiin niin, ettei se kieltäisi muita kasvoja peittäviä asusteita.
#BurqaBan #Perussuomalaiset #MaskitKaikille #Maski #Maskit #Naamioitumiskielto #Yksityisyys #Kasvojentunnistus #Masks4All #Burqa #Naamioituminen #Naamio #Niqabkielto #Kasvojentunnistusteknologia
#burkakielto #burqaban #perussuomalaiset #maskitkaikille #maski #maskit #naamioitumiskielto #yksityisyys #kasvojentunnistus #masks4all #burqa #naamioituminen #naamio #niqabkielto #kasvojentunnistusteknologia
Nothing to see here, folks, move along.
#masks4all #Masks4students #Omicron #RSV #influenza
#masks4all #masks4students #omicron #rsv #influenza
Sosiaalisessa mediassa ilmaisen eriävät mielipiteeni yleensä mieluummin jakamalla julkaisun kommentoiden kuin kommenttikentissä.
Jatta M Tamming kirjoitti Koronakapina-ryhmässä minusta: "Onkohan eräs herra vähän väärässä ryhmässä elää jossain maskikiimassa ja jako mun julkaisun pitkien maskien ylistys puheiden saattelemana 🤬 tollaset vois kyllä heivaa ryhmästä pois.":
#KäytänMaskia #KäytänFFP2maskia #MaskitKaikille
#kaytanmaskia #kaytanffp2maskia #maskitkaikille #maskit #masks4all
A helpful chart that shows the effectiveness of various masking scenarios against omicron.
Others, like @jeremyphoward, quoted other data that suggested that masks helped reduce the spread of covid, and started the #Masks4All thing.
I think #Masks4All started after lockdowns began in many parts of the US. This is important (explained next).
One More Time – Masks Work
The evidence supports the conclusion that mask-wearing policies are effective and justified.
#MasksWork #coronavirus #COVID19 #WearAMask #masks4all
Achieving universal mask use (95% mask use in public) could save an additional 129,574 lives in the US from September 22, 2020 through the end of February 2021, or an additional 95,814 lives assuming a lesser adoption of mask wearing (85%).
#coronavirus #WearAMask #masks4all #COVID19
Wear a mask! #COVID19 #coronavirus #masks4all #WearAMask
#coronavirus #COVID19 #masks4all #WearAMask