Uncharacteristically forgot my mask before kid's appointment.
"Finally unmasked! I've read all the science! If I get it again, I get it again. You know, I had a fever of 106 the first time?"
Cool story, bro. I've never had it, and I'll be outside.
The Geek Feminism Wiki's conference anti-harassment policy¹ has been an excellent starting point for years, but hasn't been refreshed for the Covid-19 Era. As mandatory precautions subside, those who continue additional voluntary precautions are often subjected to "mask shaming." Does this rise to a level of being called out in a Code of Conduct in 2023? Which events are doing a good job in this stage of the pandemic?
¹ https://geekfeminism.fandom.com/wiki/Conference_anti-harassment/Policy
#conferences #covid19 #maskshaming
I'm not a "Mask Holdout!" Geez-Louise! I'm a Thoughtful Human being.
The inconvenience of wearing a #KN95 is minimal for not having to deal with #COVID19 symptoms, which while not often deadly anymore, or can be far worse than flu or cold symptoms.
Best part: I haven't had the flu or a cold since 2019. I will always wear a mask in cold season, just like the east Asians have been doing for decades: courtesy and self-protection.
If you have a problem with masks, don't force your issues upon me!
(This is a repost of a reply.)
#Flu #commonCold #COVID #PublicHealth #Mask #Maskholes #maskshaming #courtesy #masksharm
#KN95 #COVID19 #flu #CommonCold #covid #publichealth #mask #Maskholes #maskshaming #courtesy #masksharm
I'm not a "mask hold-out!" Geez-Louise! I'm a thoughtful human being.
The inconvenience of wearing a KN95 is minimal for not having to deal with #COVID19 symptoms, which while not often deadly anymore, or can be far worse than flu or cold symptoms.
Best part: I haven't had the flu or a cold since 2019. I will always wear a mask in cold season, just like the east Asians have been doing for decades: courtesy and self-protection.
If you have a problem with masks, don't force your issues upon me!
#Flu #commonCold #COVID #PublicHealth #Mask #MaskHold #maskshaming #courtesy
#COVID19 #flu #CommonCold #covid #publichealth #mask #maskhold #maskshaming #courtesy