Hi all 👋🏻
Today, I got 7 kills. 2 of them were player characters, one of them was an npc that another player controls.
All them just thrown away and died with a single blow.
Flying polyps are deadly.
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep #ttrpg
Gestern Abend eine schöne #CallOfCthulhu Session gehabt. Mit Hach und Krach konnten die Investigatoren einem Kampf "entkommen". Bei einer Investigatorin entscheidet sich jedoch das nächste Mal, ob sie ihren Verletzungen standhält oder nicht. 😱 #MasksOfNyarlathotep #pnpde
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep #pnpde
I have returned from beyond the seas (vacation) with a vast pile of #callofcthulhu tomes
Do I dare open the seal on #masksofnyarlathotep ? I fear that my players will never see another game if I do, this will consume years at my gaming table
(And I'm really excited about all these, want to play them all. Maybe if I quit my job...)
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep
New week in #TTPRG
• #Dragonbane will be released tomorrow by @freeleaguepub
• Ongoing #Nyarlathotep group will go further in Australia
• We will do our session zero for the fresh #MasksofNyarlathotep group if we can find a 3rd asap
• I will run my first #TheOneRing game on sunday
• Aaand I will continue writing my books during the week
What are your plans for this week?
#ttprg #DragonBane #Nyarlathotep #masksofnyarlathotep #theonering
My current #MasksOfNyarlathotep group just finished another chapter.
Finished so far:
Peru - Prologue
America - Intro
England - as Chapter 2
China - as Chapter 3
They made the connection to Australia by themselves.
They're still playing with their beginning characters.
I really wonder if they can make it to the end with the same characters 👀
Gestern meine seit 2009 laufende Ars Magica Kampagne beendet. Masken des Nyalahotep können kommen. #arsmagica #MasksOfNyarlathotep #pnpde
#arsmagica #masksofnyarlathotep #pnpde
Gestern bei Cthulhu hatten die SC eine echt coole Idee zum Beschatten . Blöd, dass der erste Wurf des Abends eine 100 war und eine Klappe die Finger einklemmte und einer aufschrie. Lustig, wie die Spieler dann zwei unfähige Handwerker schauspielerten und die Bösen übertölpelten 😂. #cthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep
Guten Morgen zusammen! Es ist Donnerstag. Heute Abend ist Spieltag. Wir spielen #CallOfCthulhu und setzen die #MasksOfNyarlathotep Kampagne fort. Nachher um 8 Uhr, gibts ne Überraschung zu unserem #MIDGARD5 Audio Only Actual Play.
Habt einen angenehmen Tag! 🌞☕
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep #midgard5
Guten Morgen zusammen! Gestern ging es mit #CallOfCthulhu #MasksOfNyarlathotep weiter. Es war spannend und wir - die Investigator*innen - konnten eine Menge Informationen sammeln. Doch nun steht das Wochenende vor der Tür.
Habt einen angenehmen Tag. Lasst euch nicht ärgern! 🌞☕
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep
@Steam_Tinkerer Guten Morgen! 😎 Mit den #MasksOfNyarlathotep habt ihr ja einen großen Brocken in der Pipeline. Spielst du oder bist du die SL?
Bei mir ist heute #pnpde Pause, aber mal schauen, was der Rest der Woche noch bringt. Vielleicht schreibe ich an meinen Hacks fürs #supers_pnp weiter.
#masksofnyarlathotep #pnpde #supers_pnp
Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen zusammen! Heute ist Donnerstag und das Wochenende steht schon bald vor der Tür. Zugleich ist heute Spieltag! Unsere #CallOfCthulhu Kampagne #MasksOfNyarlathotep geht weiter.
Was steht bei euch heute #pnpde-mäßig an?
Habt einen angenehmen Tag und lasst euch nicht ärgern. 🌞☕
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep #pnpde
@wingster Dieses "Shopping-Phänomen" habe ich bei #CallOfCthulhu bislang nicht erlebt. Auch bei uns in der #MasksOfNyarlathotep Kampagne nicht. Bei anderen #pnpde Rollenspielsystemen schon hin und wieder mal. 😅
#callofcthulhu #masksofnyarlathotep #pnpde
Tonight is #PenAndPaper #TTRPG #CallOfCthulhu night! We will move to Chapter I of #TattersOfTheKing. A tiny error with the dates had me very perplexed @Chaosium ! The events in the Prologue happen in 1928 and Chapter I begins two days later, but the materials there (p. 28) show the year as 1929 (PDF from #DriveThruRPG ). On an unrelated note, as my players played #MasksOfNyarlathotep with me, I use locations and NPCs from #MoN for #London and it rocks! Nothing like a good callback!
#penandpaper #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #tattersoftheking #drivethrurpg #masksofnyarlathotep #mon #london
Jahresrückblick 2022
4 #dsa LARPs mit Yrsindel, darunter das wundervolle Bardentreffen. Außerdem zwei LARPs im Nordic LARP style: Club Babylon Rot (Vampire) und Ins Dunkel der Waldritter (Horror a la Event Horizon). Und natürlich habe ich im #vampirelive weiter Amara gespielt, meine Nosferatu. :D
Private Runden: Vampire V5, Gastspielerin einer Star Wars Kampagne, #MasksOfNyarlathotep Runde beendet.
#jahresrückblick #2022 #pnpde #larper #nordiclarp
Schön war's!
#larp #dsa #vampirelive #masksofnyarlathotep #jahresruckblick #pnpde #larper #nordiclarp
15. Memorable relationship one of your character has had
The last Twitch #TTRPG campaign I played was #MasksOfNyarlathotep with Garblag Games.
We only played the new prologue. It was the first time I played a queer character. Jayden Wallace Bridge was an homme fatale, and I loved playing up the Femme Fatale tropes with no other than Jackson Elias as the subject of my affection.
Knowing what the Masks actually opens with, it would have been great to play beyond the prologue.
#gtkm #ttrpg #masksofnyarlathotep
Speaking of #ttrpg #penandpaper campaigns: #MasksOfNyarlathotep has a prologue chapter that takes place a couple of years before the start of the campaign proper. It is highly recommended to play this chapter, but it raises the question of how to bridge the gap. A time jump is one solution, playing other modules another. I chose the latter and followed the Peru chapter with the #callofcthulhu module “Genius Loci” from the anthology “Doors To Darkness”. As we played, one player remembered…
#ttrpg #penandpaper #masksofnyarlathotep #callofcthulhu
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg After #MasksOfNyarlathotep I wanted to explore the other highly mysterious entity of the #cthulhu #mythos namely #thekinginyellow often seen as an aspect of #hastur. I have been a bit obsessed with #theyellowsign and #carcosa and therefore I wanted to go back to the source for an epic campaign around Hastur. The core of the campaign is #TattersoftheKing but before that I nested #TellMeHaveYouSeenTheYellowSign? and #Tatterdemalion the seminal modules, one within the other.
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg #masksofnyarlathotep #cthulhu #mythos #thekinginyellow #hastur #theyellowsign #carcosa #tattersoftheking #tellmehaveyouseentheyellowsign #tatterdemalion
@Chaosium I agree. #MasksOfNyarlathotep is definitely a rite of passage, an achievement. It took my group 3 years of weekly 3-hour sessions to finish the campaign. I had great fun running this as the Keeper and I really recommend it for everyone that wants to run a long-term campaign. It is a #ttrpg pinnacle. Now we are running #TattersoftheKing another amazing campaign.
#masksofnyarlathotep #ttrpg #tattersoftheking
It can be frustrating to have an #investigator with a slew of ticked skills and have to wait several sessions to improve them, especially given the high mortality/insanity rate of #MasksOfNyarlathotep !
Thus, I introduced a simple additional reward system: Session Learnings. After a session, players are invited to describe something their character learned the previous session. In exchange, the #PC receives an appropriate small reward, such as 1-2 points of Luck, #Sanity or 1-2% in a skill.
#investigator #masksofnyarlathotep #pc #sanity
#callofcthulhu 7th Edition is one of my favorite RPGs. Let’s talk about investigator rewards and how we can perhaps improve on those. The rulebook gives three options: 1. Investigator development phase, usually at the end of a chapter. 2. #Sanity rewards for story goals and/or defeating #Mythos entities. 3. A Luck improvement roll at the beginning of a session (1d10).
When I was playing #MasksOfNyarlathotep the chapters were relatively long and I was looking for another way to reward my players.
#callofcthulhu #sanity #mythos #masksofnyarlathotep