@billstclair @mcmullin @StillIRise1963 😂😂😂 bruh WHAT?! 😂😂😂 When we talk about “masks” we’re not talking about cloth masks or those silly paper blue things.
I haven’t had Covid yet because masks work. My PCP worked on hospitalized Covid patients all through 2020 and he hasn’t had Covid yet either, because #MasksWork.
Aerosol Transmission & Respirator Masks
a PPE Timeline
"They knew: the CDC is well aware of aerosol transmission and the ways to protect people from infectious disease using respirator masks and the precautionary principle."
#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #Covid #LongCovid #MasksWork #Masks #SARSCoV2
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #covid #longcovid #maskswork #masks #sarscov2
Day 1,255
#Pandemic #SarsCoV2
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #MaskUp #Aerosols #NewVariants #BringBackMasks #BringBackPCRs #Disabled #MassDisabling #WeAreNotOK #VascularDisease #ImmuneSystemDamage #CognitiveIssues #BrainDamage #POTS #MECFS #Superspreader #MasksWork #ImproveAirInSchools #CorsiRosenthal #N95 #KN94 #KidsGetCovidToo #ExcessDeaths #FromCovid #WithCovid #WeAreOnOurOwn
#EveryoneIsSickOfThis #DenialIsNotSafe #CovidIsNotDoneWithYou #StaySafe #Please
#pandemic #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #longcovid #maskup #aerosols #newvariants #bringbackmasks #bringbackpcrs #disabled #massdisabling #wearenotok #vasculardisease #immunesystemdamage #cognitiveissues #braindamage #pots #mecfs #superspreader #maskswork #improveairinschools #corsirosenthal #n95 #kn94 #kidsgetcovidtoo #excessdeaths #fromcovid #withcovid #weareonourown #everyoneissickofthis #denialisnotsafe #covidisnotdonewithyou #staysafe #please
You don't know till you know, and then it's too late.
Having a rough cognitive day. Getting easily overwhelmed and "breaking" is a REAL THING.
We're not making this shit up.
And BTW, the #boosters alone are not enough to protect you from getting #Covid. #MasksWork
Wear an #N95 for your own damn good.
Or don't.
But when it's too late, you'll know.
I'll try to point you in the direction of specific data. Ask.
#LongCovid #PACS #PEM #CovidBrain #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne
#boosters #covid #maskswork #n95 #longcovid #pacs #pem #covidbrain #covidisnotover #covidisairborne
@nothingtoseehere yes I will be sad when my free home tests are gone, I have a pretty decent stockpile, but I use them before I go to the doctor so that I make sure I don’t infect him because if I lose him I will die.
So far he hasn’t had it even though he worked in the hospital through 2020 on Covid patients, because #MasksWork .
Hadn't heard that one yet.
Ohhh wait, a translation!
"Alive & healthy"
#maskup #maskswork #covidisnotover #longcovid #covid
You're just one breath away from being homeless.
is the new One paycheck away from being homeless.
#CovidIsNotOver #Covid #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborne #MasksWork #MaskUp
#covidisnotover #covid #longcovid #covidisairborne #maskswork #maskup
Also, once she pulled it off I realized it was one of those one piece stretchy fabric masks (NOT N95) with holes that you pull back around your ears.
Comfy and fine if all you're worried about is droplets.
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #MasksWork
#likesmokenotspit #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #maskswork
It bums me out when I see people taking precautions that I can immediately identify as based on previous bullshit info we were given.
They obviously want to protect themselves AND BELIEVE THEY ARE or they'd be running around like the masses without protection at all.
But how much can you effectively convey w/ such a short window of opportunity?
People are in line behind me.
I want to spend as little time inside as possible. In. out.
#covidisairborne #maskswork #covidisnotover
before & I found myself staring a little. It was black and came to a point on the bridge of her nose. I asked if she cut her mask or did it come that way. She said it came that way and then..
She removed it to show it to me!
Later when the screening in my head died down, I wondered if she would've don't that with someone who wasn't masked, or if she felt safe since I was masked... 6 foot rule plexiglass mentally.
CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #MasksWork
So yesterday I had to run a few errands.
Saw an increase in #Mask use. Always makes me wonder why.
Anyway, after my experience with the "Yay #Covid19" idiot guy, I was happy when the woman checking me out at the grocery store was wearing a mask.
It was a design I hadn't seen...
#mask #covid19 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #maskswork
Me, thinking: ok...
She:...all the way from Indonesia to here
Me thinking that's a long time to wear a mask... good for her... why was she freaking traveling: Long trip!
She: And I'm the only one that came back without getting Covid.
Me: High five
Me thinking: Is that the only time you wore a mask? It's outside but there are a lot of people and children here, why not wear one now?
*Walks on...*
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #MasksWork #MaskUp #LongCovid
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #maskswork #maskup #longcovid
Vendor at a farmers market: I like your mask.
Me, a bit surprised (I don't get this as often as I used to), lights up a little: Thank you
She: It looks.. effecient.
Me, now unsure of her tone of voice, and comment if she's being genuine or snarky (always on alert to that these days), but unphased: It is. It's really comfortable too!
She: I wore a mask...
Me: Ok...
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #MasksWork #MaskUp #LongCovid
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #maskswork #maskup #longcovid
Other person, upon seeing me masked: "Oh come on! I don't have COVID! Sheesh!"
Me keeping thoughts inside my head:
(How do you know *I* don't have it?)
(You should be THANKING me for being the intelligent one in the room)
(Do you really think I'm not sick and tired of this too?)
(Do you know that I blame everyone who isn't wearing a mask for perpetuating this further than it needs to be?)
(You don't see me yelling at you, do you?)
Shut up or walk on.
#covidisnotover #longcovid #maskswork
I swear if I hear "but I'm vaxxed and boosted" one more time I'm going to lose it.
#maskup #maskswork #covidisnotover #longcovid
"SARS-CoV-2 airborne infection probability estimated by using indoor carbon dioxide"
N95s all around.
CO2 monitors everywhere.
"Organizations and individuals can efficiently recognize the risk of SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission in
a room and thus take preventive measures such as maintaining good ventilation, wearing masks, or shortening the exposure
time to an infected individual by simply using a CO 2 monitor"
#covidisnotover #keepmasksinhealthcare #n95 #maskswork
Whoever needs to hear this:
It's ok to wear a mask.
#covidisnotover #covid #maskswork #covidisairborne
Back to office. First conversation:
- Hi! Good to see you! Why are you still wearing a mask?
- I'm going to keep using it. I have asthma.
#CovidIsNotOver #MasksWork #WearAMask
#covidisnotover #maskswork #wearamask
@kdawson I haven't but my son did he was 17, in perfect health and fully vaxed. I've never been more worried about him in his whole life, I spent an entire night ready to call an ambulance. He's never been that sick ever.
My dad did, he's a social butterfly and never masked unless it was a mandate. He ended up with long covid, before that he was a 61 yr old with tons of energy doing boxersizing twice a wk. Now he's flat all the time struggles with constant brain fog and recently needed surgery on his sinuses because of it.
Tbf I have social anxiety and barely go out + I mask everywhere when I do. I still can't believe I didn't be get it when my son had it but he isolated in his room and we both masked every time I was near him.
Don't worry he loved isolating. Waited on hand and foot while playing games and watching anime for 2 wks + I spoiled the crap out of him.
If he wasn't sick it would've been his ideal holiday lol
My sister is still testing positive on day 13. Just to let you all know #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne she has no sick days left. And has had to go to work sick. We can thank our politicians for letting Covid rip on us without protections😞 #MasksWork imagine how many people are walking around transmitting this virus 🦠 #winter #perth
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #maskswork #winter #perth