Und das bringt mich zum Kern meines eigenen Verständnisses.
#Materialismus und #Postmaterialismus sind für mich bei #Maslow auf der 2. Ebene angesiedelt und stehen damit eher am Anfang des Wegs.
Ja, #Geld kannste nicht essen - daher #Sicherheitsbedürfnis aka #Vertrauen.
und dann kommen wir zu #Teilhabe (3) und #Anerkennung (4) ...
#anerkennung #teilhabe #vertrauen #sicherheitsbedurfnis #geld #maslow #postmaterialismus #materialismus
@MicheleCal Seeeee, il meccanismo dei politici di (estrema) destra ormai funziona come la piramide dei bisogni di #maslow : loro lavorano esclusivamente su un tronco di piramide che si ferma ai primi due livelli bassi, e BASTA.
Il resto NON esiste perché non porta consenso.
Questa è ormai la politica #sovranista e di #destra, ma non solo in #Italia, in tutto il mondo.
(anche se in Italia il fenomeno peculiare è molto marcato per via di *soli* 2000 anni di #Vaticano)
#maslow #sovranista #destra #italia #Vaticano
"A recent study out of the University of Chicago showed high schools that prioritized social- emotional development had double the positive long-term impact on students as compared to those that focused solely on improving test scores." Anyone surprised? I think not. #maslow before #bloom When Ss feel #safe, #connected and have a sense of #agency - learning occurs! #SEL #education
#maslow #bloom #safe #connected #agency #sel #education
"Mangelnde Wertschätzung verstärkt den Effekt nur noch."
und anders herum:
praktizierte, echte und aufrichtige #Wertschätzung (#Maslow 4) kann so manche psychische Deformation heilen oder gar verhindern.
Ich frage mich:
Warum praktizieren es so wenige, wenn es doch so einfach und wenig aufwendig ist.
Ein echtes #Mysterium.
#mysterium #maslow #wertschatzung
"Eine Vielzahl empirischer Studien zeigt, dass Personen, die sich herabgesetzt fühlen, vermehrt zu gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit neigen."
Der einfache Trick: Anerkennung und Wertschätzung (#Maslow 3 & 4)
Für manchen ist #Liebe auch eine #Entscheidung.
Und sehr wahrscheinlich ist #Liebe auch eine #Emotion, die eine Veränderung im Sinne der Selbst-Aktualisierung (#Maslow Stufe 5) begleitet.
"Wir können nur uns selbst verändern, niemals den anderen."
#maslow #emotion #entscheidung #liebe
I heard this song (for the first time) this morning. "I Need a New Money" by Andy Grammer.
I feel like most of the song is pretty good.
However, I'd argue that his proposal at the end, for a love-based economic system is naive at best. In the following paper, I'll cover the evidence and arguments against a love-backed currency model.
Here are the main arguments:
1. A love-based economic model doesn't meaningfully address physiological and safety needs that may be considered prerequisites for development of a currency based on love and social belonging (see Maslow's hierarchy of needs).
2. While some may be content with a *mostly* love-based system (see Meatloaf et al.), it could be argued that, without safeguards and rigorous definitions, we could end up in dire straights with a subset of the population essentially seeking money for nothing.
3. If we adopted a love-based economic model, then we would expect accompanying, and likely dramatic, wealth redistribution as those who were previously emotionally-devoid billionaires suddenly found themselves effectively destitute, while many idealistic and infatuated youth would be inundated with an excess of new capital ("Money Changes Everything", Lauper, et al).
* Some billionaires, especially those with a cult following may be more resilient to economic upheaval in the proposed system, though until we have better means of measuring the power of love (Lewis, News, et al), i.e. methods that are more than a feeling (see Boston method criticisms), we're stuck saying more research is needed.
In conclusion: Today's economic crises are unlikely to be bettered by introduction of "a new money", specifically in the form of a love-backed currency or social scoring system. While the author of this paper agrees that something must be done, it seems unwise to make such a dramatic change without more research.
"We already suffer the ill effects of market-backed capitalism, and I've heard Love is a Battlefield"—Alice Watson
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#Music #Songs #Lyrics #Economy #Love #Research #Satire #Capitalism #Socialism #Maslow #Needs #WealthInequality
1. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=x3-kIDFRZnQ&feature=share
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
3. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=BPYnpiJlBBY&feature=share
4. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=T82VtnfKGd8&feature=share
5. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=pEPy2KOh4yY&feature=share
6. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=H9r71vu2ggI&feature=share
7. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=ufQUxoidxkM&feature=share
?. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=vo6PgC0cP4c&feature=share
#music #songs #lyrics #economy #love #research #satire #capitalism #socialism #maslow #needs #wealthinequality
#Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" is not an achievement ladder. The only people who think "#money can't buy you #happiness" are people who have enough money that their #subsistence needs are comfortably met and want for nothing but self-actualization.
#neoliberalism #neofeudalism #affluenza #leisureclass #philosophy #ethics #liberty #equality #justice
#maslow #money #happiness #subsistence #neoliberalism #neofeudalism #affluenza #leisureclass #philosophy #ethics #liberty #equality #justice
Kotaku: The Internet Once Again Loses It Over Dudes Playing With Water https://kotaku.com/tiktok-water-cup-challenge-cheap-games-fashion-jenga-1850234232 #gaming #tech #kotaku #cinemaoftheunitedstates #americanculture #videosoftware #chrissyteigen #johnturner #bytedance #jujusmith #schuster #gosling #tiktok #kotaku #maslow #dudes #films #ikea #dude #cam #nfl
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #cinemaoftheunitedstates #americanculture #videosoftware #chrissyteigen #johnturner #bytedance #jujusmith #schuster #gosling #tiktok #maslow #dudes #films #ikea #dude #cam #nfl
The idea of “foodies” makes me want to laugh and grimace at our society and lived reality relative to human history.
Some folks at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs have self-actualized sustenance and calorie intake into a - sometimes - high-end hobby of privilege.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
We’ve set up extractive forces, abstracted away the costs, and are blind to the fact we live like - relative - kings.
#foodies #maslow #needs #wants #privilege
Les 4 nobles vérités :
La vie est une pyramide de Maslow (PyMa).
L'origine de cette PyMa.
La cessation de cette PyMa.
Le chemin qui mène vers la fin de cette PyMa.
#Maslow #Besoins #4noblesverites #DivagationBouddhique #durlutte
#durlutte #divagationbouddhique #4noblesverites #besoins #maslow
“One of the most popular conceptual models in #Western #education was built on the wisdom and sophistication of a First Nations society, which was then made completely invisible in the literature. “
#Maslow #MindBlowing #History #Indigenous
#western #education #maslow #mindblowing #history #indigenous
#Bedürfnispyramide, ist ein sozialpsychologisches Modell des US-amerikanischen Psychologen Abraham #Maslow (1908–1970). Es beschreibt auf vereinfachende Art und Weise #menschliche #Bedürfnisse und #Motivationen (in einer hierarchischen Struktur) und versucht, diese zu erklären.
#Trauma #Cannabis #weedmob #klagen #milliarden #like #monsanto #onelove
#hanf #endocannabinoide #hemp #CRISPR_rEvolution #fff
https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/109812245288901224 sind wir bereits unterwandert?
#fff #CRISPR_rEvolution #hemp #Endocannabinoide #hanf #onelove #monsanto #like #milliarden #klagen #WeedMob #cannabis #trauma #motivationen #bedurfnisse #menschliche #maslow #bedurfnispyramide
There has been, as far as I can tell, no canonical study of how and why certain ideas – psychoanalysis, Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs, gestalt therapy – infiltrated into the precincts of that most American of sciences, organization science, and all its business school progeny, a long event that is co-eterminus with the eruption of the business school on the university campus. https://limitedinc.blogspot.com/2023/02/look-who-is-buried-under-maslows-pyramid.html #maslow #businessschool
Das Interesse für #Ethik, die dem ganzen #Planeten dient, taucht bei den meisten Menschen halt erst nach der Befriedigung der eigenen #Bedürfnisse auf. #Maslow
Es wäre also von Vorteil, wenn es ein System gäbe, dass die #Transformation dieser Bedürfnisse hin zu einer universalistischen Ethik unterstützen könnte.
Dieses #System müsste wohl wissenschaftlich & evidenzbasiert sein, sich ständig selbst erweitern & korrigieren, um der wechselnden Umwelt gerecht zu werden & #Orientierung zu bieten.
#ethik #planeten #bedurfnisse #maslow #transformation #system #orientierung
"The sacred is in the ordinary."
#zen #maslow #simplethings #ordinarythings #wisdom
@psiie I'd say, no. For Siddhartha #transcendence meant escape (liberation) from the cycle of suffering by detachment from one's emotions and ultimately *ceasing to exist*. For Maslow transcendence is attaining a holistic level of consciousness in relation to oneself, others and nature, but very much alive in the cosmos.🙂
#buddhism #psychology #Maslow
#maslow #psychology #buddhism #transcendence
Just because some of us have been #blessed and are #privileged, doesn’t mean that there no people who need help.
Providing a sense of stability to those folks will help them climb up #Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
RT @FuseWA
You have a chance to support a Washington #GBI by telling your lawmakers to vote for #HB1045 in their #WALeg hearing being held TODAY: https://fusewashington.actionkit.com/letter/2023GuaranteedBasicIncome/?source=s…
#blessed #privileged #maslow #GBI #HB1045 #WALeg