@MaitreCrevettes je trouve à peu près tout si j’ai une connexion Internet. Des années à chercher des mots, des produits etc, pour le boulot, ça finit par payer. Et j’aime chercher 😅 #maso @Bike_from_hell
Eine schöne #Qual war das 😊!
#BDSM #Selfbondage #Nippelklemmen #Handschellen #maso #FreudLeid #Schmerz #Aua 4/4
morgen nächste Sitzung ;)
#qual #bdsm #selfbondage #nippelklemmen #handschellen #maso #freudleid #schmerz #aua
From a #sadistic #maso point of view is that a wonderful way to "clean" on of the best places a girl can offer. Seeing her crying makes me happy and hard.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/PainKink/comments/14adjhf/not_fun/
In Alto Adige, le vacanze in un Maso
Stöckler Hof
Press Way
Lana Region
Alto Adige
Südtirol Alto Adige South Tyrol
Nadia Scioni
#maso #masi #Tirolo #AltoAdige #Lana #agriturismo #agriturismi #viaggiare #viaggi #viaggio #viaggiatori #viaggiatore #turismo #vacanza #vacanze #hotel #hotels #resort #resorts #travel #alpi #travelblog #traveller #travelblogger #turista #turistipercaso
#maso #masi #Tirolo #AltoAdige #lana #agriturismo #agriturismi #viaggiare #viaggi #viaggio #viaggiatori #viaggiatore #turismo #vacanza #vacanze #hotel #Hotels #resort #resorts #travel #alpi #travelblog #traveller #travelblogger #turista #turistipercaso
#heureaquarelle #watercolorhour #lahesse #existensialistshame #shout #lecri #fautlarefaire #tutesvuquandtupeins #walala #fantasticshhhh #maso
« Veduta du téléphérique »
#heureaquarelle #watercolorhour #lahesse #existensialistshame #shout #lecri #fautlarefaire #tutesvuquandtupeins #walala #fantasticshhhh #maso
Qui va ENCORE regarder Million Dollars Baby ? Et qui va ENCORE pleurer sa race ? Bah c’est pas une amie #Maso
Reportérka Alarmu se nechala najmout v drůbežárně ve Vodňanech:
#maso #vegan #kapitalismus
Haha, la maitresse qui envoie ses vœux à tous les parents par mail en CC.
- 21 en gmail.com
- 8 en hotmail.fr, hotmail.com, msn.com
- 5 en yahoo.fr, yahoo.com
- 3 en free.fr
- 2 en wanadoo.fr
- 2 avec un domaine perso (dont moi)
- 1 en laposte.net (#maso)
Haha oui ça suit « vaguement » une loi de Ziph.
Les parents savent mieux utiliser les mails que la maitresse : personne n'a fait de reply-to-all pour le moment.
Chceš něco udělat pro planetu, pro zvířata, pro lidstvo i pro sebe?
Výzva "méně masa" tě může nasměrovat správným směrem.
#bezmasa #vege #ekologie #ochranazvířat #maso
#bezmasa #vege #ekologie #ochranazvirat #maso
#oqader #yewomi #ini #olaleu #foret #juci #agohi #ohadio #atati #iqetoi #rahoil #fedixa #vod #gesead #sowaq #teci #asoneo #maxeto #conie #maso #yetiuh #obedi #jehavi #cehiru #soy #varota #oyore #casase #qera #qeha #nature #cave
#oqader #yewomi #ini #olaleu #foret #juci #agohi #ohadio #atati #iqetoi #rahoil #fedixa #vod #gesead #sowaq #teci #asoneo #maxeto #conie #maso #yetiuh #obedi #jehavi #cehiru #soy #varota #oyore #casase #qera #qeha #Nature #cave
#oqader #yewomi #ini #olaleu #foret #juci #agohi #ohadio #atati #iqetoi #rahoil #fedixa #vod #gesead #sowaq #teci #asoneo #maxeto #conie #maso #yetiuh #obedi #jehavi #cehiru #soy #varota #oyore #casase #qera #qeha #nature #cave
#oqader #yewomi #ini #olaleu #foret #juci #agohi #ohadio #atati #iqetoi #rahoil #fedixa #vod #gesead #sowaq #teci #asoneo #maxeto #conie #maso #yetiuh #obedi #jehavi #cehiru #soy #varota #oyore #casase #qera #qeha #nature #cave
#oqader #yewomi #ini #olaleu #foret #juci #agohi #ohadio #atati #iqetoi #rahoil #fedixa #vod #gesead #sowaq #teci #asoneo #maxeto #conie #maso #yetiuh #obedi #jehavi #cehiru #soy #varota #oyore #casase #qera #qeha #nature #cave
#oqader #yewomi #ini #olaleu #foret #juci #agohi #ohadio #atati #iqetoi #rahoil #fedixa #vod #gesead #sowaq #teci #asoneo #maxeto #conie #maso #yetiuh #obedi #jehavi #cehiru #soy #varota #oyore #casase #qera #qeha #nature #cave
I'm so curious how that moment will feel when I switch from willingly accepting the pain HE is going to inflict on me to the moment when I really really want it to stop and just notice I can't. I imagine despair flooding my #maso body. A feeling of complete loss of control and deep connection. I have been through quite hard #BDSM before but never met a #sadist who is actually willing to not have mercy. I'm shivering in anticipation.
Dear #sadist|s #maso|s #kinkster|s and friends, i need your help. I was a bad boy and my #dom @Truevader wants to #punish me. He wants to implement some of your ideas. We need #punishment #crowdsourcing
Please reply with your ideas on his original toot:
#sadist #maso #kinkster #dom #punish #punishment #crowdsourcing
I somehow feel my enthusiasm about woof.group and the really #kinky minds here @Truevader @teruki got this profile spiralling down into the darkest holes of my soul quite quickly 🤣 so just for the records: while I love being a total #pervert #maso #sub, i can also be #vanilla, just might touch #kinky, i can be a #top or just a #kisser... I feel i have many many sexual identities
#kinky #pervert #maso #sub #vanilla #top #kisser
I think having thoughtful and experienced #dom|s and #sadist|s in a community who are willing to explain, calm, and introduce anxious #sub|s and #maso|s is such a blessing. Thank you @Truevader
Hey #kinky people, do you have any tips for #hard #nomercy #gay #bdsm #sadist #porn? I find a lot of the scenes i find in usual sources quite "played"... I really do love those moments where the #maso is really pushed to and beyond his limits and where you can see signs of #trembling, giving in, actual #tears...
Ah and if you are a #sadist and want to produce such #porn let me know 🤣
#kinky #hard #nomercy #gay #bdsm #sadist #porn #maso #trembling #tears