sheepchase · @sheepchase
330 followers · 4230 posts · Server

So, I understand that in Conservative Judaism there’s the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) that gives rulings based on voting of the committee. I still can’t see how the rabbis are chosen? Can someone tell me (I’m not being disingenuous, I’m genuinely curious as I’m comparing Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist approaches to Halacha while I consider my conversion). Thanks!!

#mazeldon #conservativejudaism #jewdiverse #masorti

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaim Aronofsky · @chaimbenaharon
21 followers · 72 posts · Server

Anyone connected with the USCJ/RA world know if the Siddur Lev Shalem for Weekdays is on track for its "projected publication date in 2023"?

#uscj #rabbinicalassembly #siddurlevshalem #conservativejudaism #masorti #siddur #mazeldon

Last updated 2 years ago

in a bunker in . Midreshet Schechter ( in ) sent hundreds of Hanukkah care packages. Here a recipient celebrates the holiday of light banishing darkness during wartime.

#hanukkah #ukraine #conservativejudaism #Israel #theschechterinstitutes #masorti #tikvah #hope #midreshetschechter

Last updated 2 years ago

Thoughts on the leadership of the Conservative Jewish movement and its future: I love halakhic, religious, egalitarian, non-fundamentalist Judaism. We can call it Conservative /Masorti Judaism, or Trad-Egal, Hadar, etc. Names aside, the movement has huge problems that we need to admit and confront -



#jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #masorti #tradegal #conservativejudaism #hadar #havurah

Last updated 2 years ago