I’m Danny and I ride #bikes (and #ebikes)
I often post pictures of #bikelanes and #safestreets
I’m from #southboston, live in #JP, and I comment on all things #CambMa #boston #somerville #bospoli #maspoli #mapoli
I’m a software engineer at a company “tells the scooter companies where to put the scooters” #micromobility
I’ve biked through 117/351 towns in #massachusetts
#bikeTooter #transit #housing #urbanism #yimby #cities #housing
#introduction #bikes #ebikes #bikelanes #safestreets #southboston #jp #cambma #boston #somerville #bospoli #maspoli #mapoli #micromobility #massachusetts #maps #gis #qgis #biketooter #transit #housing #urbanism #yimby #cities
Hi, it's me, back again
With an #introduction on a new instance
[plz boost so our tiny server can federate? Did I say that right?]
I do nat’l #bike, #pedestrian, & #accessibility research/policy, formerly #transportation #CompleteStreets #planning for #cities.
Here to chat #bikeTooter, #transit, #cargobikes, #Bikebus, #equity, #housing. Maybe a bit of #oyster #aquaculture talk. Love #banjo.
After 20 years living/working #BikeDC, excited to dig into #bospoli, #maspoli, #bostodon & #masstodon
#introduction #bike #pedestrian #accessibility #transportation #completestreets #planning #cities #biketooter #transit #cargobikes #bikebus #equity #housing #oyster #aquaculture #banjo #bikedc #bospoli #maspoli #bostodon #masstodon