@vidyarrrr In just over 2 weeks, I've already discussed #pressurecookers, beef #massaman/#rendang, and #fermented cabbage (kinda a hybrid of #sauerkraut & #kimchi) more than I have in the last 5 years at the dead zone - *and* it was with people I never met before!
#pressurecookers #massaman #fermented #sauerkraut #kimchi
@LyndalPN Despite a last-minute scorching incident (possibly beer-related), the #massaman was widely acclaimed by my partner.
I had thrown in a roasted old sweet potato, and I added a handful of chopped fermented (dried) tomatillos to balance the added sweetness, so I can't vouch for the flavour of the paste on its own.
I'll call it a win.
Photos of leftovers to come...
@LyndalPN That looks amazing!
I used to make my own #massaman paste from a recipe in 'It Rains Fishes' (by Kasma Loha-Unchit), but today I shall be cheating & using Ayam brand paste. Pity about their use of palm sugar... 🦧
Now that most of the paste ingredients are readily available in C0les, I might make a big batch (once I'm no longer working 60+ hour weeks).
@ghost_shit well that is unacceptable !!!
Here's a photo of a homemade #massaman from me, so there is now two of us posting about it 😂
I edited a post to change "massaman" to "#massaman", and when I click on the hashtag, it appears I am the only person to have tweeted about massaman... LOL