My email to a #MassDPU investigator regarding a concerning new development in the investigation into the April 6, 2023 gas explosions in Newton:
This gas leak, currently on the books at #MassDPU as a grade 3 leak of Significant Environmental Impact (SEI), aka “superemitter”, and on the books as a known and documented leak at that address on June 20, 2022, when the injury explosion occurred, is the one that I discovered yesterday that was actually a grade 1 hazardous leak in an explosive condition. #DPUInvestigation
Thank you #MassDPU for being responsive to my concern for public safety on Walnut St., #CityOfNewtonMA, where we are calling for a #DPUInvestigation on the #WalnutStreetGasExplosion
#massdpu #cityofnewtonma #dpuinvestigation #walnutstreetgasexplosion
I’ve also learned that #MassDPU was mistaken in saying that NGrid is waiting on the #CityOfNewtonMA to fix the many leaks on Walnut Street. No Grant of Location request has been made to the City of Newton by NGrid for Walnut Street as of this writing.
#MassDPU didn’t know there was a Grade 1 hazardous leak on Walnut Street #NewtonMA for an unknown period of time after the explosions (left). So I informed them (right). A #DPUInvestigation is needed.
#massdpu #newtonma #dpuinvestigation
I’m pleased to report that #MassDPU called me back today, although I was unable to pick up the call while on another call at work. I will return the call tomorrow morning.
Google “explosion Walnut Lakewood Newton” and you won’t get a single hit referencing the gas company, National Grid. But they quietly sent crews knocking on doors two nights after the explosion, to inspect basements, literally under the cover of darkness. And their unrepaired leaks were and are listed in its #MassDPU annual gas leaks filing. No one from the #CityOfNewton or any of the utilities have mentioned the possibility that leaking gas was a possible causal factor in the explosion.
So let me get this straight: Moody’s both works for #NationalGrid, specifically to develop future business projections, and also evaluates NGrid’s credit worthiness? Unethical for sure, but this isn’t illegal? #MassDPU
Here is a comment-able/clipable/quotable link to my testimony yesterday, to the Massachusetts #MassDPU, where I make a case to reject its proposed gas plan due to lack of due diligence and transparency:
#massdpu #mapoli #ratepayerripoff #nationalgrid
My comments to the #MassDPU on #NationalGrid's next, cost-unjustified business-as-usual gas plan.