Mountains Are Collapsing - A Swiss Mountain Peak Fell Apart, Sending 3.5 Million Cubic Feet Of Rock Into The Valley Below - Scientists Warn Climate Change Could Make More Mountains Crumble.
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #EuropeanAlps #europe #SouthernAlps #newzealand #andes #peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #IPCC #naturalhazard #geologichazards
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #europeanalps #Europe #southernalps #newzealand #Peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #ipcc #naturalhazard #geologichazards #andes
The Side Eye - Deeper Roots [Cyclone Gabrielle, Tairāwhiti (Gisborne), New Zealand]
-- <-- Spinoff Side Eye story
-- <-- towards an indigenous bio-economy in Tairāwhiti
H/T @manu Caddie
“Months after Cyclone Gabrielle smashed Tairāwhiti [Gisborne, New Zealand], locals are still cleaning up the damage. The Side Eye travels to the erosion-prone region to meet the people asking hard questions about a plan for the future…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #massmovement #climatechange #CycloneGabrielle #Tairāwhiti #Gisborne) #NewZealand #extremeweather #Gabrielle #cyclone #flood #flooding #water #hydrology #ecosystem #monoculture #forestry #forestry #risk #hazard #mitigation #monitoring #erosion #landslides #slumps #slips #slash #forestrestoration #pine #planning #impacts #humanimpact #publicsafety #economy #economic #governmentplanning #indigenous #Maori #firstnations #bioeconomy
#gis #spatial #mapping #massmovement #climatechange #cyclonegabrielle #tairawhiti #gisborne #newzealand #extremeweather #gabrielle #cyclone #flood #flooding #water #hydrology #ecosystem #monoculture #forestry #risk #hazard #mitigation #monitoring #erosion #landslides #slumps #slips #slash #forestrestoration #pine #planning #impacts #humanimpact #publicsafety #economy #economic #governmentplanning #indigenous #maori #firstnations #bioeconomy
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Coastal Archaeological Heritage - A Geostatistical Overview Of Threatened Sites
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #archaeology #newzealand #sealevelrise #sealevel #SLR #coast #coastal #Aotearoa #maori #history #midden #middens #settlements #pas #climatechange #erosion #innundation #coastalsensitivityindex #CSI #model #modeling #impacts #future #ArchSite #integrateddatasets #shoreline #massmovement #landslides #burial #burialsites #culture #cultural #firstnation #indigenous #earthworks #fortifications #coastalerosion #coastalarchaeology #remotesensing #referencedatasets #prediction #geostatistics #geostatistical #gischat #Heritage #ThreatenedSites
#gis #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #archaeology #newzealand #sealevelrise #sealevel #slr #coast #coastal #aotearoa #maori #history #midden #middens #settlements #pas #climatechange #erosion #innundation #coastalsensitivityindex #csi #model #modeling #impacts #future #archsite #integrateddatasets #shoreline #massmovement #landslides #burial #burialsites #culture #cultural #firstnation #indigenous #earthworks #Fortifications #coastalerosion #coastalarchaeology #remotesensing #referencedatasets #prediction #geostatistics #geostatistical #gischat #heritage #threatenedsites
AGU23 Session Submittal Requests - Flash Floods and Debris Flows After Wildfire - Process Understanding to Hazard Assessment
-- <-- make submittal
“Do you work in postfire hazards? Consider presenting in our AGU 2023 session, "Flash Floods and Debris Flows after Wildfire." The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, August 2nd!..” ~ Matthew A. Thomas, USGS
#GIS #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #AGU23 #conference #paper #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #naturalhazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #assessment #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #process #processes #AGU #AGU23
#conference #paper #gis #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #agu23 #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #NaturalHazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #assessment #process #processes
2023 California Landslide Response
-- <-- shared web site
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #gischat #remotesensing #CA #california #risk #hazard #deepseated #landslides #massmovement #engineeringgeology #geomoprhology #geology #water #rainfall #extremeweather #precipitation #atmosphericriver #paleolandslides #hydrology #erosion #scarp #slumping #infrastructure #publicsafety #housing
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #gischat #remotesensing #ca #California #risk #hazard #deepseated #landslides #massmovement #engineeringgeology #geomoprhology #geology #water #rainfall #extremeweather #precipitation #atmosphericriver #paleolandslides #hydrology #erosion #scarp #slumping #infrastructure #publicsafety #housing
Multimodal Multiscale Characterization Of Cascading Hazard On Mountain Terrain [Nepal]
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
#gis #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
Drones To The Rescue In Melamchi [Nepal, 2021]
-- <-- news article
-- <-- story map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #surveillance #drone #drones #UAV #UAVs #aerial #water #hydrology #flood #flooding #monsoon #Melamchi #Nepal #disastermanagement #disasterresponse #survey #assessment #engineeringgeology #engineering #massmovement #landslides #erosion #infrastructure #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #surveillance #drone #drones #uav #uavs #aerial #water #hydrology #flood #flooding #monsoon #Melamchi #Nepal #DisasterManagement #disasterresponse #survey #assessment #engineeringgeology #engineering #massmovement #landslides #erosion #infrastructure #gischat
Visualising Avalanches In The Himalayas
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #modeling #naturalenvironment #massmovement #landslide #visualisation # Himalayas #india #engineeringgeology #remotesensing #elevation #geology #risk #hazard #naturaldisaster #avalanche #Chamoli #satellite #imagery #snow #ice #debrisflow #rock #publicsafety #infrastructure #geovisualisation #prediction #monitoring #planning #event #events #data
#gis #spatial #mapping #modeling #naturalenvironment #massmovement #landslide #visualisation #india #engineeringgeology #remotesensing #elevation #geology #risk #hazard #naturalDisaster #avalanche #chamoli #satellite #imagery #snow #ice #debrisflow #rock #publicsafety #infrastructure #geovisualisation #prediction #monitoring #planning #event #events #data
California’s Devastating Storm In Maps And Charts
-- <-- BBC article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #climate #weather #cawx #california #water #drought #flood #flooding #rain #precipitation #climatechange #atmosphericriver #hydrology #naturaldisasters #risk #hazard #forecast #landslides #massmovement #disaster #map #storm #stormwater #extremeweather #bombcyclone
#gis #spatial #mapping #climate #weather #cawx #California #water #drought #flood #flooding #rain #precipitation #climatechange #atmosphericriver #hydrology #naturaldisasters #risk #hazard #forecast #landslides #massmovement #disaster #map #storm #stormwater #extremeweather #bombcyclone
Combination Of Aerial, Satellite, And UAV Photogrammetry For Quantifying Rock Glacier Kinematics In The Dry Andes Of Chile (30°S) Since The 1950s
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #monitoring #remotesensing #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #Andes #Tapado #Chile #aerial #satellite #UAV #imagery #survey #kinematics #DryAndes #velocity #Ice #debris #landform #geomorphology #glacier #rockglacier #downwasting #erosion #geology #massmovement #engineeringgeology #glacial #periglacial #research #photogrammetry
#gis #spatial #mapping #monitoring #remotesensing #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #andes #tapado #chile #aerial #satellite #uav #imagery #survey #kinematics #dryandes #velocity #ice #debris #landform #geomorphology #glacier #rockglacier #downwasting #erosion #geology #massmovement #engineeringgeology #glacial #periglacial #research #photogrammetry
Why the green movement can overcome #climatecrisis : Yes, „The global economy is not set up to prioritise wellbeing, climate and nature.“ But also: „Environmentalism is arguably the most successful #citizens‘ #massmovement there has been.“
#climatecrisis #citizens #massmovement
For a mass movement of youth and students to stop the war in Ukraine!
#IYSSE #MassMovement #Youth #Students #War #Ukraine #WorkingClass #Socialism #FourthInternational
#IYSSE #massmovement #youth #students #war #ukraine #WorkingClass #socialism #FourthInternational
“We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand” – Eric Hoffer
#history #politics #massmovement