Popular Movements and Political Development in Haiti by Alain Gilles
#Haiti, #Haitianpolitics, #politicsofHaiti, #socialmovements, #massmovements, #statepower, #statecraft, #Caribbeanpolitics, #neocolonialism
"Conference Paper No. 21"
#haiti #haitianpolitics #politicsofhaiti #socialmovements #massmovements #statepower #statecraft #Caribbeanpolitics #neocolonialism
date: 2023-04-12 13:04:21
by: AICareer (🚀Jobs-Internships-Scholarships)
PhD in Alpine Mass Movements and Machine Learning
at ETH Zürich
Check the details here:
#phd #phdposition #phdscholarship #alpine #massmovements #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelliegence #ethzurich
#phd #phdPosition #phdscholarship #alpine #massmovements #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelliegence #ETHZurich
Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life...
- Eric Hoffer
#politics #history #massmovements
The two past years of non-divided Democratic rule were useless.
Because #unionization and #massmovements didn't pick up enough pace to outweigh corporate Dems.
The Theory and Practice of Armed Struggle in the Northwest by Ed Mead
#armedstruggle, #revolutionaryarmedstruggle, #urbanguerrillas, #urbanguerrillawarfare, #PNW, #PacificNorthwest, #unitedstatesofamerika, #washington, #washingtonstate, #oregon, #CoastSalishterritories, #marxism, #antiimperialism, #leftism, #theleft, #antiprison, #prisonermovement, #GeorgeJacksonBrigade, #GJB, #revolution, #revolutionaries, #massmovements, #counterinsurgency, #terror, #communism, #clandestineorganization, #portland, #seattle, #BlackLiberationArmy, #BLA, #SymbioneseLiberationArmy, #SLA, #undergroundorganization
a revised version of a text originally written in the 1970s discussing revolutionary strategy on the u.s. left, by a veteran of the George Jackson Brigade who was at the time imprisoned for putting the theory into practice.
#armedstruggle #revolutionaryarmedstruggle #urbanguerrillas #urbanguerrillawarfare #pnw #pacificnorthwest #unitedstatesofamerika #washington #washingtonstate #oregon #CoastSalishterritories #marxism #antiimperialism #leftism #theleft #antiprison #prisonermovement #GeorgeJacksonBrigade #GJB #revolution #revolutionaries #massmovements #counterinsurgency #terror #communism #clandestineorganization #portland #seattle #BlackLiberationArmy #bla #SymbioneseLiberationArmy #sla #undergroundorganization