calling this Combplex -- combinatorial multiplexing
validated, then adapted to mass-based approaches (MIBI-TOF)
How does the method work? It learns the compression matrix
#massspec #machinelearning #imaging #multiplex
RT @Matrix_Science: You don't need a fancy new search engine to identify peptides from chimeric spectra. Just process the raw file in Mascot Distiller and search with Mascot Server. #proteomics #MassSpec #MassSpectrometry #Bioinformatics
#proteomics #massspec #massspectrometry #bioinformatics
RT @: Real-Time Spectral Library Matching for Sample Multiplexed Quantitative Proteomics #JProteomeRes #MassSpec
Added support for #MassSpec spectra comparisons using the spectral entropy similarity score to our #Spectra @bioconductor package (dev version):
Thanks Yuanyue Li for the #msentropy #rstats :rstats: package and support! 🥳
#massspec #spectra #msentropy #rstats
We have a free (already paid for) space available at this year's Ardgour Symposium! More details here - www.emsg-ardgour.site If you can get yourself to Aberdeen on the 20th August, then you could be enjoying a week of mass spec and related discussions, in the Highlands and with a free bar! #teammassspec #massspec #lipidomics #metabolomics #proteomics #ionization
#teammassspec #massspec #lipidomics #metabolomics #proteomics #ionization
RT @: What is the most popular / robust/ reliable tool out there for analyzing cross-linking #massspec XL-MS data ?
Asking for a friend.
#massspec #proteomics #tools #resources
Just in case anyone in #TeamMassSpec is curious, the likely culprit of my 248.9 m/z ion from this thread: https://mstdn.science/@sarahehancock/110818463525422168 is free cyanide reacting with the gold seals of the HPLC pump. I will have to try a few different brands of solvent to see if I can ameliorate this issue. More info also available here: https://community.agilent.com/technical/lcms/f/forum/5480/how-do-we-get-rid-of-identify-contamination-with-m-z-248-9737-negative-mode.
#TeamMassSpec #metabolomics #lipidomics #massspectrometry #massspec
Hey #TeamMassSpec, I'm having issues with a contaminant ion @ 248.9 m/z in -ve ion mode when running 90% ACN 10 mM AmOAc at pH 9. Found a thread on research gate suggesting it comes from the ACN but have tried two brands now with no joy. Has anyone else had this problem?
Research gate link: https://researchgate.net/post/What-is-this-contaminant-with-m-z-2489718
ACN brands tried: Fisher Sci Optima, Supelco LiChroSolv. LiChroSolv has a lot less of it than Fisher Sci.
#TeamMassSpec #metabolomics #lipidomics #massspectrometry #massspec
RT @: Always good to see new #massspec tools available.Dear #proteomicscommunity and #TeamMassSpec, I am happy to share HowDirty, an R package that facilitates evaluating and reporting molecular contaminants in LC-MS experiments.
#massspec #proteomicscommunity #TeamMassSpec
RT @: Anyone have advice on how they normalize TMT channel data when the samples are from a pulldown? Normalization methods assume that peptide abundances should be broadly equal across samples...
#TeamMassSpec #massspec #proteomics
I gave a talk on Depthcharge, our #deeplearning toolkit for #massspec data at the Cascadia #Proteomics Symposium this week. Here’s my slides in case you missed it, or want to see them again!
#deeplearning #massspec #proteomics
Postdoc, Kidney metabolism and metabolomics
Aarhus University
See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/aarhus-university-27778-postdoc-kidney-metabolism-and-metabolomics/?feed_id=49965
#ScienceJobs #hiring #research #massspec
Aarhus University #Denmark #PhDStudent #PostdoctoralFellow
#postdoctoralfellow #PhDstudent #denmark #massspec #research #hiring #ScienceJobs
Postdoc, Kidney metabolism and metabolomics
Aarhus University
See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/aarhus-university-27778-postdoc-kidney-metabolism-and-metabolomics/?feed_id=49678
#ScienceJobs #hiring #research #massspec
Aarhus University #Denmark #PhDStudent #PostdoctoralFellow
#postdoctoralfellow #PhDstudent #denmark #massspec #research #hiring #ScienceJobs
RT @: JULY 15 << The Abstract Deadline is fast approaching for the 2ND INTERNATIONAL TOP-DOWN PROTEOMICS SYMPOSIUM. Submit your work now at> https://tdp2023.topdownproteomics.org/submit-an-abstract/… #proteomics #ASMS #genomics #massspec #proteoform
#proteomics #ASMS #genomics #massspec #proteoform
RT @: Hey #TeamMassSpec - question re: low sample stage-tip fractionation. Anyone have any experience with it? We have some POROS 20 R2 packing. How much (~mg?) do you load into a 200µL tip?
#TeamMassSpec #massspec #proteomics
RT @: 20,001 DOWNLOADS - The Human Proteoform Project seems to be of interest to quite a few people... #proteomics #proteoforms #genomics #massspec
#proteomics #proteoforms #genomics #massspec
Can someone who knows something about mass spectrometry explain why the Agilent 8900 is called a triple quadrupole, when I'm fairly sure there are only two quads??
#massspec #massspectrometry #labwork
Looking for a post-doc developing multiplexed targeted #massspec assays to support clinical translation? Look no further!
#massspec #TeamMassSpec #proteomics
MT @: A great opportunity for #SingleCell omics, #MassSpec, & #imaging #MassSpec researchers to publish their advances on pushing tech towards single-cell analyses, sensitivity & resolution JPR is not only about proteins -- metabolites, lipids, glycans, drugs, exposome, all welcome!Theo @thalexandrov and I will serve as editors for a Special Issue of @JProteomeRes Single-Cell Omics
Submissions before January 31, 2024 can be included in the special issue.
#singlecell #massspec #imaging
Lecture on proteomics by @lgatto at #csama 2023 including an overview on the :rstats: package ecosystem from #RforMassSpectrometry #MassSpec
#csama #rformassspectrometry #massspec