Another LAICPMS day, another totally new (to us!) problem. This supports my hypothesis that LAICPMS NEVER goes smoothly. No one cried though, so it could have been worse!
#geochemistry #massspectrometry #laicpms #ECR
Happy to announce that we've just put up our preprint for the #OpenMS 3.0 release:
OpenMS is the by far the largest software project that I've ever worked on, and this is the first major release during my tenure here. Happy to answer any questions.
#TeamMassSpec #FOSS #OpenScience #OpenSource #Proteomics #massSpectrometry
#massspectrometry #Proteomics #opensource #OpenScience #foss #teammassspec #OpenMS
RT @Matrix_Science: You don't need a fancy new search engine to identify peptides from chimeric spectra. Just process the raw file in Mascot Distiller and search with Mascot Server. #proteomics #MassSpec #MassSpectrometry #Bioinformatics
#proteomics #massspec #massspectrometry #bioinformatics
Lab days are an exercise in zen. Nothing like watching all the careful organisation go out the window. Of course, not preparing isn't an option either.
#ECRchat #massspectrometry #laicpms
Vlad the Impaler may have shed tears of blood, study finds - Enlarge / This 1475 letter written by Vlad the Impaler contains protein... - #massspectrometry #paleoproteomics #vladtheimpaler #archaeology #proteomics #chemistry #science #biology #dracula
#dracula #biology #science #chemistry #proteomics #archaeology #vladtheimpaler #paleoproteomics #massspectrometry
What tool do you use to collect metadata for #massspectrometry experiments? I want to overhaul our current system to be more flexible and exhaustif. I started to record things in a spreadsheet using SDRF but it is a bit tedious and the format itself doesn't respect tabular data good practices. #teammassspec #bioinformatics
#massspectrometry #teammassspec #bioinformatics
#TeamMassSpec #Proteomics #MassSpectrometry: Have you used or hear of #OpenMS? Would you be interested in filling out a survey to guide our future development? Please go to:
You will get my gratitude, and, for a limited time, if you toot me that you filled it out a free random fact of my choosing. Come help support #OpenScience #FOSS #OpenSource
#opensource #foss #OpenScience #OpenMS #massspectrometry #Proteomics #teammassspec
Just in case anyone in #TeamMassSpec is curious, the likely culprit of my 248.9 m/z ion from this thread: is free cyanide reacting with the gold seals of the HPLC pump. I will have to try a few different brands of solvent to see if I can ameliorate this issue. More info also available here:
#TeamMassSpec #metabolomics #lipidomics #massspectrometry #massspec
RT @: Interested in participating in the @MyABRF iPRG-2023 Proteome Informatics Research Group Study on #Crosslinking #MassSpectrometry Data Analysis? Fill in Google Survey using the link below:
#crosslinking #massspectrometry
Hey #TeamMassSpec, I'm having issues with a contaminant ion @ 248.9 m/z in -ve ion mode when running 90% ACN 10 mM AmOAc at pH 9. Found a thread on research gate suggesting it comes from the ACN but have tried two brands now with no joy. Has anyone else had this problem?
Research gate link:
ACN brands tried: Fisher Sci Optima, Supelco LiChroSolv. LiChroSolv has a lot less of it than Fisher Sci.
#TeamMassSpec #metabolomics #lipidomics #massspectrometry #massspec
A new technique can reveal the unknown molecules in nature. The technique combines mass spectrometry, a method that measures the mass and charge of molecules, with machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence that learns from data. The technique can help discover new natural products, such as drugs, pesticides, and fragrances.
#MassSpectrometry #MachineLearning #NaturalProducts
#massspectrometry #machinelearning #naturalproducts
On my way back home from Uzhhorod, Ukraine 🇺🇦 after an intense week teaching #rstats, #datascience, #massspectrometry and #proteomics to young Ukrainians students and researchers at Biological Data Science Summer School.
The whole faculty team is unequivocal: the participants are bright, talented, hardworking, with a passion to learn and understand.
#rstats #datascience #massspectrometry #proteomics
Can someone who knows something about mass spectrometry explain why the Agilent 8900 is called a triple quadrupole, when I'm fairly sure there are only two quads??
#massspec #massspectrometry #labwork
Apparently someone has been gently persuading the mass spec this morning 🔨 not convinced that's a recommended approach 😅
#hammertime #massspectrometry #labwork
RT @: Great collection of relevant publications: Machine Learning in Proteomics and Metabolomics #MachineLearing #Massspectrometry #ArtificialIntelligence #Proteomics #Metabolomics #PrecisionMedicine #Biology #Biomarkers #Multiomics #Datasciences
#machinelearing #massspectrometry #artificialintelligence #proteomics #metabolomics #precisionmedicine #biology #biomarkers #multiomics #datasciences
Beer byproducts were popular canvas primers for Danish Golden Age artists - Enlarge / Two Russian Ships of the Line Saluting by Christoffer Wilhelm... - #massspectrometry #artconservation #danishgoldenage #heritagescience #proteomics #culture #science #physics #beer #art
#art #beer #physics #science #culture #proteomics #HeritageScience #danishgoldenage #artconservation #massspectrometry
RT @GitinKatie: There it is!! Introducing the new #IntabioZT. Stop by the @SCIEXnews Hospitality Suite tonight at 8 PM in the Hilton to see it in person @asmsnews
#SciexTAP #icief #MassSpectrometry #ASMS2023
#intabiozt #sciextap #icief #massspectrometry #asms2023
@wfondrie kicks off the second edition of our #MachineLearning for #MassSpectrometry short course at #ASMS2023 for a full room.
#machinelearning #massspectrometry #asms2023
Sunrise over the George R. Brown convention center in Houston, TX. Ready for six days of hardcore #MassSpectrometry science! #ASMS2023
A beleaguered Mars rover could’ve ended up in a museum when the Ukraine war suspended launch AGAIN, but new funds are keeping it alive. Read my first for @KnowableMag and learn about the instrument aboard--the mass spectrometer--that’s the linchpin of a strategy to find signs of life on Mars.
#EUSpace #space #aerospace #esa #nasa #exomars #mars #science #massspectrometry #AnalyticalChemistry #chemistry