Mozilla, great article!
I however got distracted by the #bigtech adds next to the article and the lack of a link to your #fediverse #activitypub #mastdon account.
#openaccess #opensource #privacy #mastdon #activitypub #fediverse #bigtech
Wieder was gelernt, auf #mastdon gibts ja eigentlich keine #gruppen aber Workarounds wie - abei wird "on the fly" ein user angelegt über dessen ID dann alle die dieser ID folgen praktisch so etwas wie eine öffentliche Gruppe erhalten.
You don't have to pretend to be a minority in order to stand out. I think real minorities want to be free and undetected.
Minorities do not need discrimination or prejudice to hold them back.
#Mastdon #myopinion
In my opinion, people are valuable simply because they exist.
I want to tell people who are worried about the purpose of their lives, that they have value just because they exist.
#Mastdon #myopinion
IIt's so much #mastdon like that it's logo :mastodon: looks like #Grover / #Grobi from #SesameStreet when it's painted the right way, like @mondstern did! :mastolove:
#MastoArt #AcrylicPicture
#acrylicpicture #mastoart #sesamestreet #Grobi #grover #mastdon
I was not expecting this problem moving #Mastdon instances:
- it is easy to transfer one's followers in one click
- it is impossible to move one's posts (unless one owns the instance, apparently, and then it is challenging)
I hope that having removed the posts @christianp thought problematic, he will therefore keep the old posts in read-only mode as there is not much reason the conversations about RDF Graphs should cause anyone problems.
live$ sudo du -h -d 1 /home/mastodon/live/public/system/cache/
live$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec bin/tootctl accounts prune
と言うコマンドを実行。結構1時間ぐらいかかる。実行すると、なんとcacheのaccounts の99.4%が無駄なもので削除された。リモートアカウントで今は関係ないアカウントらしい。
#Mastdon 4.1 からの機能らしい。
I’m so glad I have #mastdon, it’s such a nicer place than the bird site right now
Twitter’s endless content works nicely to fill your time, but by god so much of the posts are stressful to read
My #view about #alternate #texting #images on #Mastdon:
1. it is not a #marketing #SEO #website for #Google #indexing
2. #images usually #describes post #contents
3. I have the right to send #empty alt="" tags, it is not in #EULA nor police will hurt me
4. alt-text speller programs has other #accessibility #issues, #semantic #web is a #holy #dream since the #90s
5. do as you feels like to do, I am doing as I want to, nobody fails that way
Thank you for reading my opinion.
#90s #dream #holy #web #semantic #issues #accessibility #eula #empty #contents #describes #indexing #Google #website #seo #marketing #mastdon #images #texting #alternate #view
At the risk of spending all my time talking about #mastdon on #mastodon the @TheGuardian_uk has an interesting article on user numbers. Pointing to a fall from 2.5m to 1.8m active users.
I suspect there are quite a few who like #mastdon to be a little less usable.
Non entro spesso nella dinamica #Twitter #Threads e compagnia cantante, dato che lo trovo un argomento inflazionato.
Ma è divertente come ai bei tempi in cui #Mastdon veniva propagandato come alternativa a Twitter si dicesse "Mastodon non funzionerà mai, perché è una miriade di piccole istanze.", ora invece spuntano nuove piattaforme social proprietarie come funghi.