@tea MY TEA HAS ARRIVED :ablobcathappypaws: :ablobcatbongo: :blobcatgooglycup:
Look upon my my mountain of tea (yes, I hadn't realised quite how much I had ordered in the end).
#Masteadon #TeaJourney
@tea with my tea shipment imminent (maybe tomorrow, fingers crossed) I've decided I need to get serious with my tea storage.
Step one, bought some thermo hygrometers so I can monitor the humidity of my storage location. Fortunately they all seem pretty well calibrated (readings all within limits of accuracy of one another).
Not quite figured out step two yet. Probably testing out various storage containers. #Masteadon #TeaJourney
@tea my tea is now in the same country as me! \o/ Just needs to clear UK customs. #Masteadon #TeaJourney
@tea my tea is gradually getting closer to me. It's just cleared export customs and security at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport! #Masteadon #TeaJourney
@tea Thanks everyone for all the great suggestions. My shopping cart on YS was somewhat fuller than I expected, even leaving out most of the "maybe" selections. I may have spent rather a lot, but soon there should be a parcel of some of the most amazing teas on the long journey to me :blobcatgooglycup: #Masteadon #tea
@arielwaldman seeing this is starting to motivate me to want to help make #masteadon even more of a thing.
Tea time! I have not actually decided yet what to drink, but this Sunday needs good tea. So here is a picture of my set-up! #teas #masteadon #gaiwan
Today's is a 碧螺春 but I'm unsure I have the energy to take pictures, sorry… #tea #masteadon #biluochun
Today's #tea is an #oolong! A Hehuanshan from Taiwan (合歡山烏龍). Same as yesterday I will try to document all brews for #masteadon ^^. Next messages in the thread will be unlisted.
L'heure du thé… Big day today, franchement une mauvaise journée hier, and I got up an hour later than usual because of how badly I slept yestereve.
Pour couronner tout ça en plus j’ai des rambours vraiment pas le fun aujourd’hui. So keep the tea coming!
Je commence avec un sencha yamakai récolté en mai de cette année très rafraichissante et d’un vert superbe.
En espérant que ma journée continuera d’être aussi bonne que ce thé…
#thé #tea #MasTeaDon #TeaTime #ItsAlwaysTeaTimeSomewhere #ThatSomewhereIsOnMyDesk
#the #tea #masteadon #TeaTime #itsalwaysteatimesomewhere #thatsomewhereisonmydesk
L’heure du thé!
Il neige beaucoup dehors et le ciel est gris, et je suis enfin à la fin de mon sencha asatsuyu récolté au printemps, qui m’a accompagné à travers l’été et l’automne de cette année.
La plupart du temps, je prépare ce sencha comme si c’était un gyokuro (voir mes notes du 14: https://silvan.cloud/@gersande/109342639689435300), mais j’avais besoin d’un peu plus de chaleur aujourd’hui. Le résultat est une infusion un peu plus vive, avec un caractère légèrement amer, mais ça m’aide à me réveiller!
Avec ce thé je m’affronte finalement à mes tâches du vendredi. J’ai eu une grosse semaine et j’ai une grosse journée devant moi avant que je ne puisse me reposer cette fin de semaine.
Bon vendredi tout le monde!
#senchado #sencha #tea @tea #kyusu #ThéJaponais #TeaTime #DrinkTea #MasTeaDon
#senchado #sencha #tea #kyusu #thejaponais #TeaTime #DrinkTea #masteadon
Nothing I love more than seeing how absolutely MASSIVE rolled oolong leaves get after steeping.
#teatime #masteadon #kyusu #oolong #gongfucha #tea