talking about mastectomy that is somewhere in (hopefully near) future in therapy like:

me: I have 3 main concerns.

therapist: have you considered this possibility?

me: I have 4 main concerns.


Last updated 1 year ago

VerukaSalt · @VerukaSalt
15 followers · 121 posts · Server
Elyse M Grasso · @elysegrasso
212 followers · 2736 posts · Server

I keep seeing people I know online with bad and biopsy results, and I'm feeling a little guilty in an odd way. I had a dx of DCIS (Stage 0) in 2005 followed by lumpectomy and radiation, and 18 years of nothing worse than mammograms and some stiffness where tissue was cooked by the radiation.
In March a mammogram and biopsy came back annoying: same dx/same side. Bilateral 4/28 is healing extremely well and the gene scan came back clean, too. I wish all could be as lucky.

#mammogram #mastectomy

Last updated 1 year ago

SoggyGoat💩🐐 · @SoggyGoat
143 followers · 950 posts · Server
Silouanwinter · @silouanwinter
152 followers · 550 posts · Server

đŸ‡©đŸ‡ȘGibts hier andere, die sich auch mit und beschĂ€ftigen? Gerne boosten! 🇬🇧Are there others here interested in ,
? Boosts appreciated

#brca #mastektomie #eierstockentfernung #ovarektomie #mastectomy

Last updated 1 year ago

mathinklusion · @mathinklusion
114 followers · 215 posts · Server

đŸ‡©đŸ‡ȘGibts hier andere, die sich auch mit und beschĂ€ftigen? Gerne boosten! 🇬🇧Are there others here interested in ,
or ? Boosts appreciated

#brca #mastektomie #eierstockentfernung #ovarektomie #mastectomy #ovarectomy

Last updated 1 year ago

🔞Danny Redwoods · @DannyRedwoods
61 followers · 313 posts · Server

I really hope the masculine nipples my surgeon is gonna construct for me out of my areola skin are still substantial enough to clamp

#topsurgery #nipples #kink #bdsm #mastectomy #nippleclamps

Last updated 2 years ago

wurhvaer · @wurhvaer
3 followers · 20 posts · Server
ruĆĄke · @zarnisizyl
19 followers · 23 posts · Server

I've almost lost enough weight to get mastectomy, can't wait to chop titties off. Have to say that the BMI requirement is bullshit tho.

#nonbinary #mastectomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Bianca Nogrady · @biancanogrady
915 followers · 293 posts · Server

Extraordinary and powerful writing from @derridalicious about her body's transformation through breast cancer.

#cancer #breastcancer #mastectomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz the Lucky · @liztheluckey
121 followers · 157 posts · Server

Today I had the most wonderful experience of eating a messy burger and not getting drips on my chest. WIN

#mastectomy #nonbinary

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz the Lucky · @liztheluckey
222 followers · 324 posts · Server

Today I had the most wonderful experience of eating a messy burger and not getting drips on my chest. WIN

#mastectomy #nonbinary

Last updated 2 years ago

Ralf Ahlbrink · @RAprism
273 followers · 216 posts · Server

Fand wegen eines Toots ĂŒber und (Wiederfinden hat nicht geklappt :-( .) den entsprechenden Artikel "Queer-Plan der Bundesregierung" und darĂŒber einen Fachartikel. U.a.:


( )

, Themen sollen sicher mehr Beachtung und auch Fördergelder erhalten. Aber wie weit ist der mediale Druck auf Pubertierende (Tiktok, YT,...) Ursache fĂŒr die stark gestiegene "PrĂ€valenz" fĂŒr Eingriffe wie mitten in der PubertĂ€t?

#cicero #queer #gay #mastectomy

Last updated 2 years ago · @physorg_bot
265 followers · 8112 posts · Server

I got my a pillow to protect them while on the train and in cars as they continue to heal after . It’s a really cute pillow and they are so adorable wearing it đŸ„ș💜

#theyfriend #mastectomy #top #surgery

Last updated 2 years ago

naama carlin · @derridalicious
166 followers · 13 posts · Server

“For years other people made me feel like my body wasn’t right, as if part of my body belonged to someone else and they had a right to it. Fucked if I’ll let this happen again. I looked at myself for the first time in so many years with actual care and saw not a body that tried to kill me, but a body surviving. I noticed its resilience and how it tried to conserve and protect me.”

In the summer edition of Meanjin, you can find my latest memoir: an uncharacteristically optimistic piece, about how a mastectomy - despite being quite pinkwashed/overlooked by the Breast Cancer Industrial Complex - allowed me to gain self acceptance.

& if you’re not already tired of reading about cancer, you can pre-order your copy now, or even better: subscribe

[image marked as sensitive as it's of Mx scar. Lmk if you think images such as this don't need/do need sensitive warning]

#breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #mastectomy #stayingflatisanoption #tnbc #triplenegativebreastcancer #cancerunder40 #pregnantwithcancer

Last updated 2 years ago

Aucraptor · @Elenyafinwe
-1 followers · 42 posts · Server

For I've writen a post about affirming health care for people to debunk the myth of some obscure translobby that milks the health care system and takes away resources from cis people. The thought is quite funny if you consider, that all people together make barely 1% of world's population.

TL;DR: The list is by far not complete. But every single transgender health care I can think of was originally used to treat cis people and to this day every single one of this is only off-label used in transgender health care. We don’t get special treatment. We get what you cissies got all the time anyway. Only you cissies now make such a fuss about it, because you see trans joy and don’t understand how it benefits you as well. A cis woman want to go on t? Do it. A cis man doesn’t like his beard and wants it removed permanently? Go for it. Your child goes into puberty way too early? You give them puberty blockers to ensure a healthy childhood. Denying the kid the needed medication (read: puberty blockers) is child abuse, simple as that.

Anti trans laws harm cis people as well. And that’s why we can’t allow that all these treatmens become illegal.

The complete list is on my pillowfort:

#transawarenessweek #gender #cis #trans #transgender #hrt #mastectomy #pubertyblockers #genderqueer #gendernonconforming

Last updated 2 years ago

Aucraptor · @Elenyafinwe
-1 followers · 4 posts · Server

For I've writen a post about affirming health care for people to debunk the myth of some obscure translobby that milks the health care system and takes away resources from cis people. The thought is quite funny if you consider, that all people together make barely 1% of world's population.

TL;DR: The list is by far not complete. But every single transgender health care I can think of was originally used to treat cis people and to this day every single one of this is only off-label used in transgender health care. We don’t get special treatment. We get what you cissies got all the time anyway. Only you cissies now make such a fuss about it, because you see trans joy and don’t understand how it benefits you as well. A cis woman want to go on t? Do it. A cis man doesn’t like his beard and wants it removed permanently? Go for it. Your child goes into puberty way too early? You give them puberty blockers to ensure a healthy childhood. Denying the kid the needed medication (read: puberty blockers) is child abuse, simple as that.

Anti trans laws harm cis people as well. And that’s why we can’t allow that all these treatmens become illegal.

The complete list is on my pillowfort:

#transawarenessweek #gender #cis #trans #transgender #hrt #mastectomy #pubertyblockers #genderqueer #gendernonconforming

Last updated 2 years ago

Elenyafinwe · @hobbitdragon
63 followers · 209 posts · Server

For I've writen a post about affirming health care for people to debunk the myth of some obscure translobby that milks the health care system and takes away resources from cis people. The thought is quite funny if you consider, that all people together make barely 1% of world's population.

TL;DR: The list is by far not complete. But every single transgender health care I can think of was originally used to treat cis people and to this day every single one of this is only off-label used in transgender health care. We don’t get special treatment. We get what you cissies got all the time anyway. Only you cissies now make such a fuss about it, because you see trans joy and don’t understand how it benefits you as well. A cis woman want to go on t? Do it. A cis man doesn’t like his beard and wants it removed permanently? Go for it. Your child goes into puberty way too early? You give them puberty blockers to ensure a healthy childhood. Denying the kid the needed medication (read: puberty blockers) is child abuse, simple as that.

Anti trans laws harm cis people as well. And that’s why we can’t allow that all these treatmens become illegal.

The complete list is on my pillowfort:

#transawarenessweek #gender #cis #trans #transgender #hrt #mastectomy #pubertyblockers #genderqueer #gendernonconforming

Last updated 2 years ago

Mar del Valle · @mardelvallearts
756 followers · 581 posts · Server

[CW: Marked as sensitive for bare torso with mastectomy scars and, completely unrelated, stains of blood belonging to someone else. But we can see an utmost happy queer couple đŸ–€]

Not hungry anymore.
Drawn and inked with traditional techniques.
Dibujado y entintado en técnica tradicional.

#scars #mastectomy #nudity #nsfw #blood #queer #nonbinary #transgender #trans #mermaid #fediart #MastoArt #art #illustration #mermay

Last updated 3 years ago