My friend M seems to be very particular about this mastering. I did 2 more passes this AM using two different techniques. He did tell me, "I don't want it to sound any different than it already does," after the last attempt a few days ago, so I'm wondering it it just doesn't need a mastering (in his eyes)?
Just trim the ends, normalize it, and call it a day.
#mastering #masteringgigs #audiomastering
Second pass mastering that tune for my friend is done. I think we're much closer than we were yesterday.
#masteringgigs #audiomastering #mastering
Trying to walk a fine line with a mastering I'm doing for a friend from NJ. He mixed the tune pretty compressed and loud already, and he doesn't want me to touch it too hard with compression. So I have to tickle it a bit.
He didn't like rev1, so I'll loosen up the compressors a bit, wave a magic wand, and see what he thinks.
As it is I'm using a multiband compressor, and I'm compressing at very low ratios like 1.7:1.
Go lighter.
#masteringgigs #audiomastering #mastering