On a positive note... A brother just finished his Capstone Presentation call with his faculty committee and was unanimously recommended for graduation.
I am officially a Master of Music in Music Technology. Let's go!!! đ
#Graduation #GradSchool #MastersProgram #Academia #Success
#graduation #gradschool #mastersprogram #academia #success
Many of you have heard me talking about the process of getting my master's degree in Music Technology. To that point, one of the requirements is to showcase my capstone project publicly.
In short, I elected to recompose the soundtrack to the original NES game: Castlevania. The link goes to the project's public showcase page & allows you to view the completed project & learn about the overall concept & execution. Please take a look & enjoy!
Many of you have heard me talking about the process of getting my master's degree in Music Technology. To that point, one of the requirements is to showcase my capstone project publicly.
In short, I elected to recompose the soundtrack to the original NES game: Castlevania. The link goes to the project's public showcase page & allows you to view the completed project & learn about the overall concept & execution. Please take a look & enjoy!
I'm pretty excited...I'm nearing completion of my master's program and as part of the fulfillment of that, I'll need to share my capstone project publicly.
I'm looking forward to putting it out there and I'm really hoping folks enjoy it!
#Academia #MastersProgram #Degree #GradSchool #CapstoneProject #MusicComposition #MusiciansOfMastodon #GameMusic
#academia #mastersprogram #degree #gradschool #capstoneproject #musiccomposition #musiciansofmastodon #gamemusic
Me. Age 48. Stepping on to campus for the first time...on graduation day. After a long and challenging year of late night assignments, content shoved into my brain, averaging 4.5 hrs of sleep a night, lots of strain on my wife and kid, and a few musical triumphs along the way, I walked the stage and heard my name.
Me. Master of Music Technology. đ
#Academics #MastersProgram #Graduation #MastersDegree #Music #MusicTechnology #Wins #Success
#academics #mastersprogram #graduation #mastersdegree #music #musictechnology #wins #success
The Master program in Cognitive Science of ENS-PSL (so-called Cogmaster) is currently inviting applications until March 10, 2023 (23h59, CET)
The Cogmaster offers training at the highest level in all disciplines of #cognitivescience (#Psychology, #Medicine, #Neuroscience, #Philosophy, #Linguistics, Social Sciences, #AI, Cognitive #Modeling), together with the opportunity to discover the latest applications of our discipline, from behavioral public policy to cognitive engineering.
More information on the Cogmaster website: https://cogmaster.ens.psl.eu/en/application/admissions-13494
@cognition @cogsci @psychology @psycholinguistics @linguistics
#mastersprogram #mastersdegree
#psychology #medicine #modeling #ai #mastersprogram #cognitivescience #neuroscience #philosophy #linguistics #mastersdegree
The Cogmaster offers training at the highest level in all disciplines of #cognitivescience (#Psychology, #Medicine, #Neuroscience, #Philosophy, #Linguistics, Social Sciences, #AI, Cognitive #Modeling), together with the opportunity to discover the latest applications of our discipline, from behavioral public policy to cognitive engineering.
More information on the Cogmaster website: https://cogmaster.ens.psl.eu/en/application/admissions-13494
@cognition @cogsci @psychology @psycholinguistics @linguistics
#mastersprogram #mastersdegree
#cognitivescience #psychology #medicine #neuroscience #philosophy #linguistics #ai #modeling #mastersprogram #mastersdegree
I have to actually write up my #graduate project proposal this week and I'm now filled with crippling doubt that it's not going to work or be accepted.
Thanks brain!
#Academia #GraduateStudies #MastersProgram #Doubt #Anxiety
#graduate #academia #graduatestudies #mastersprogram #doubt #anxiety
Um. I just officially applied to graduate from my masters program in spring 2023. Weeeeee!
#academic #mastersprogram #masters #graduation
Heyyyy.... Finals are DONE! Bring on the holidays!!!
#College #MastersProgram #Holidays
#college #mastersprogram #holidays
That moment when I realize I have less than 10 hours to finish a project I was assigned two weeks ago, and I'm *still* daydreaming about holiday plans instead of editing my work.
#finalsweek #mastersprogram #LawSchool #holiday #adhd #adultsinschool #adultingishard #cananyonerelate