🔥 Nachdem sie im letzten Semester so gut ankam, wird es Zeit für Runde 2: Die Choose a Chair findet wieder statt. Alle Lehrstühle und Professuren der WIAI haben sich angemeldet. Es gibt also viele Gelegenheiten, ins Gespräch zu kommen und Themen für Projekte, Seminare und Abschlussarbeiten zu finden. Und weil wir das so gerne machen, gibt es dazu Waffeln für euch.

#chooseachair #bachelorsthesis #mastersthesis #project #seminar #erba

Last updated 1 year ago

IEE · @iee_tugraz
7 followers · 7 posts · Server mstdn.social

Looking for a master's thesis topic? IEE is offering three new exciting topics and looking for motivated students to tackle the subjects:

1️⃣ Optimizing Data for Load-flow Models

2️⃣ Austrias natural gas and hydrogen infrastructure

3️⃣ Sensitivity analysis for the LEGO Austria power system model.

Check out the link in our bio for more information and reach out!

#energyfuture #sustainability #climateneutrality #optimizingenergyflow #sectorcoupling #renewables #Research #mastersthesis #iee #TUGraz

Last updated 2 years ago

IEE · @iee_tugraz
7 followers · 7 posts · Server mstdn.social

Calling all graduate students! We are currently offering a Master's thesis opportunity in collaboration with Energie Steiermark on the topic of energy storage technology in agriculture. This is a great chance to work with our faculty, gain hands-on experience, and contribute to ongoing projects. If you're interested in this opportunity, please contact us.

#agriculture #energystorage #researchopportunity #mastersthesis #TUGraz #iee

Last updated 2 years ago

DrPedersoli · @DrPedersoli
39 followers · 95 posts · Server mastodontech.de
Kit Seaton · @seakit
194 followers · 137 posts · Server mastodon.art

Peeps, I have so much silent film art over this timeframe 2012-2016ish, it’s a little embarrassing. Because, I mean, a masters thesis is one thing, but I just kept going. Now, I couldn’t be arsed to draw anything related to , but during that time it was a little…intense. Now, I’m hyper-fixated on costumes and cute animals when I’m not working on deadlines. Those have always been mainstays tho. Anyway, here’s

#rambling #mastersthesis #illustration #HaroldLloyd #silentfilm

Last updated 2 years ago

Kit Seaton · @seakit
194 followers · 137 posts · Server mastodon.art

Murray seemed more than happy to fuel my obsession with comedians. While flipping through my sketchbook he wistfully told me about being a little boy in Brooklyn in the 30’s and sneaking into theaters to watch Laurel & Hardy films. I think that really helped me decide to make these illustrations the main scope of my master’s thesis. Here is BK, who made some of my favorite films from this period.

#mastersthesis #illustration #steamboatbilljr #busterkeaton #silentfilm

Last updated 2 years ago

Erik Živković 🌱🦀 · @erik
19 followers · 164 posts · Server m.zkc.se

@svedberg we're basically family now

#blood #rust #mastersthesis

Last updated 2 years ago

MarkusWET 🕵️ · @markuswet
18 followers · 76 posts · Server toot.io

The one thing I really love about writing my Master's Thesis in is that you really learn something new every day. E.g. up until yesterday I manually wrote stuff like "as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:whatever}" - Turns out someone was as annoyed about this as me and just wrote the cleveref package. Now it's just "as shown in \Cref{fig:whatever}" and ""see \Cref{tab:some_table}". 🤓

#latex #itssomething #typesetting #mastersthesis #university #infosec #tex #happyaboutthelittlethings #til #yay #nerd

Last updated 5 years ago

MarkusWET 🕵️ · @markuswet
18 followers · 76 posts · Server toot.io