What were you expecting, when you are desperate enough to call up a terrorist militia of thugs & criminals, to do your dirty work, not once anticipating that they would eventually turn on you. #MasterStrategist https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-24/live-wanger-mercenaries-russia-rostov-yevgeny-prigozhin-mutiny/102519712
One simple trick to a glorious win that stops the NATO proxy war dead in its tracks:
Withdraw all Russian troops from Ukraine lands.
All cowardly Ukranian NATO-proxy forces will stop fighting at once.
MUHAHAHAHAHA --- the true move of a master strategist.
(Getting sanctions lifted afterwards may be a bit more of a drag.)
#NAFO #masterstrategist #UkraineWillWin
What's next on the Twitter shitshow? Passwords longer than 3 characters require a paid subscription?
#Russia replaces military commander in #Ukraine again — after just 3 months
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-war-russia-names-valery-gerasimov-new-commander-replaces-sergei-surovikin-3-months/ #masterstrategist
#masterstrategist #ukraine #russia
West: "You know those IFVs from last week? We'll give them the MBTs to match also."
Putin: "Another reshuffle at the top is what will do it, no doubt!"
#MasterStrategist @DarthPutinKGB@twitter.com
#masterstrategist #panzerwende #freetheleopards #freetheleopardsday