📢 We're looking for a #student (m/f/d) for a #bachelorthesis or #masterthesis on climatic exposure characterization of flexible magnetic sensors. More info👉https://www.bam.de/Content/EN/Standard-Articles/About-us/Jobs-and-Careers/Young-Science/theses/bachelor-master-thesis-magnetic-sensors-84.html
#student #bachelorthesis #masterthesis
I have finally handed in my master's thesis. 🥳 🎉 It was an incredible amount of work with a total of over 28 reviews and feedback loops from my tutor. But it was worth it! I am very excited about the grade.
#masterthesis #FernUniHagen #ifinallymadeit
Je vais m'inspirer de @adrian et créer un fil pour mon #memoire.
Il est probable que je poste quelques jolies images dans le futur (parce que j'adore les #simulations :3) et (beaucoup) de mon sel/désespoir/désir de retourner à l'état primaire.
I'll draw inspiration from @adrian and create a thread for my #Masterthesis.
I'll probably share nice pics (because I'm fond of #simulations) and (lots of) my sourness/despair/lust to get back to the primitive state.
#memoire #simulations #masterthesis
Today is the last day of user testing! I can’t believe how quickly four weeks passed by 🙈
The next step is to analyse ~35h of video material and form responses. But hey, who needs holidays anyway 😬 JK, I really enjoy working on this #MasterThesis as I learn so much through it.
At @DLR we offer many opportunities to do a #masterthesis in #computerscience on Large-Language Models. #LLM #ChatGPT #generativeAI
For example, Sentiment Analysis in Large Language Models
#generativeAI #chatgpt #llm #computerscience #masterthesis
Thanks for showing such interest and curiosity at #Alumnitag in #Tübingen, and exchanging ideas on how to apply #ML for biology-related problem solving 🙏🌱
👉Check out our #masterthesis or #internship opportunities 👋 https://tinyurl.com/bdh65wy3 #computerscience #bioinformatics
#bioinformatics #computerscience #internship #masterthesis #ml #tubingen #alumnitag
Studying #computerscience? Join us on 23 June for #Alumnitag at Uni #Tübingen! Former student Sebastian Schultheiss, Managing Director of Computomics, on career & #masterthesis opportunities https://tinyurl.com/2p8kzms6 #bioinformatics #machinelearning
#machinelearning #bioinformatics #masterthesis #tubingen #alumnitag #computerscience
Quick #MasterThesis rant:
I know everybody wants to go on holiday, but how can supervisors be “out of the office and not reachable” for 1 and 1/2 months, returning two weeks before your thesis hand-in??? 🙃 I guess I can say goodbye to external proofreading. My chances of graduating in September feel like an unreachable goal.
#MasterThesis opportunity in #populationgenetics and #plantbreeding 🌱🧑🎓If you're studying at University of #Tübingen, come and work on a collaborative project with Franz Baumdicker and Computomics 👉 https://tinyurl.com/556suyud
#tubingen #plantbreeding #populationgenetics #masterthesis
📢We're looking for a #student (f/m/d) who's interested in a #masterthesis in #ComputerScience, #MachineLearning, #DataScience or similar🤖 You develop new #ML methods for predicting materials properties or for solving inverse problems: https://www.bam.de/Content/DE/Standardartikel/Ueber-die-BAM/Jobs-und-Karriere/Wissenschaftlicher-Nachwuchs/Arbeiten/master-computer-science-s3.html
#student #masterthesis #computerscience #machinelearning #datascience #ml
Mastodon and business stealing, hmmm interesting isn't it. Do the platform leads to a sub optimal amount of servers? Is decentralization really a game changer in the business model?
#econtwitter #masterthesis #IO
I found a company willing to give me a copy of their website to use during my #UserStudy for my #MasterThesis. But now, the dev they hired to build and maintain the website wants to keep me from accessing the code as it is "his creation".
What are you afraid of? Hiding smth? 🧐😅
I didn’t miss writing scientific stuff in #LaTex 😬 Even the template provided by the university doesn’t make it much more manageable. Some things and behaviour just confuse me. But still better than formatting a #MasterThesis in Word, I guess…
We are always interested in students for bachelor and master theses. The topics range from #bioinformatics, #bioanalytic|s to medical #pharmacological topics. For example, we are investigating whether #CBD has a DNA damaging effect (DSB, DNA double strand break). We would be happy to find someone who wants to work with #brain #organoids.
#DSB #dnadamage #bachelorthesis #masterthesis #fedijob #organoid
#bioinformatics #bioanalytic #pharmacological #cbd #brain #organoids #dsb #dnadamage #bachelorthesis #masterthesis #fedijob #Organoid
Are you #botanist or field #ecologist and interested to do your graduation thesis (#bachelor or #master) or an #internship in great scenery, on a hot topic and in cool climate (so far)? We look for field assistance in the #Dachstein #glacier forefields to study plant #traits and #succession this summer. More information here:
Please boost!
#bachelorthesis #masterthesis #intern #succession #traits #Glacier #dachstein #internship #master #bachelor #ecologist #botanist
Gefunden auf #Linkedin: Gesucht werden Interviewpartner zum Thema Governance in Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems für eine Masterthesis - da sollten wir doch ein paar Kontakte finden oder? #sustainable #startups #interview #masterthesis
#linkedin #sustainable #startups #interview #masterthesis
Jeden Morgen, an dem ich derzeit aufstehe, lese ich Zeitung...aus Juni...1905.
Visual Information Seeking Mantra 🙌:
Overview first 📍, zoom and filter 🔎, then details-on-demand 🏷
I know of few papers that have aged so well (1996): "The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations" - Ben Shneiderman
#informationvisualization #ivis #shneidermanben #masterthesis #FernUniHagen
#informationvisualization #Ivis #shneidermanben #masterthesis #FernUniHagen