Hey #Masties, how do you see your old toots on Metatext? I’m only able to see until last month.
Hey, you. Yeah you. You’re doing better than you think. Keep going.
God bless, #Masties!
Doing my best not to bawl on my commute. Man, what a Word.
Hope you have a great day, #Masties.
Been reading anything lately? This has been my companion on my commutes for the past month or so now.
Have a great and blessed day, #Masties!
Here’s my pre-bedtime rambling for tn:
I miss #G4. Idk if any of you here grew up with it or caught the revival, but saying goodbye to G4 twice was such a pain. I miss the shenaningans and looking forward to #AttackOfTheShow on Thursdays. We couldn’t even get a full proper year of G4 😔
Anyways, just me being melancholic. Pay me no mind. Gnight, #Masties
Idk, this is just my pre-bedtime rambling, but I am so thankful that I don’t take things as seriously as I did before. God has opened my eyes to see the beauty in the everyday. Maybe I’m making a big deal out of small things and romanticizing them. All I know is that word in John 10 of “life and having it to the full” in Christ—I’m living that, even in the smallest, most mundane things.
Anyways, thanks for reading my late-night rant. Gnight, #Masties.
Getting off social media for a little bit. Have a blessed new year, #Masties!
Getting off social media for a little bit. Have a blessed new year, #Masties!
A very merry #Christmas to y’all, #Masties of games! Praying for God’s blessings as you celebrate, however and with whoever it may be. And I pray your Steam wishlists and game wishlists be fulfilled 🎮
A very merry #Christmas to y’all, #Masties! Praying for God’s blessings as you celebrate, however and with whoever it may be.