El caso de #mastinator no es aislado, hay mucha prohibición y bloqueos en todas las instancias con el mismo ideal de odio sin pararse a pensar la realidad, por ejemplo, una pasarela que federa los mensajes de los usuarios en protocolo IRC, según el discurso de algunos si borro mi mensaje de la red debería borrarse del IRC, pero hay un problema, el IRC no puede borrarse, y así es como se destruye un discurso de odio, o sino... prohibamos las pasarelas y sigamos prohibiendo en vez de asumir la realidad, que aquí no hay derecho al olvido.
@msh @devinsinger as a heads-up, #mastinator announced its closure (last night?) #FediBlock https://mastinator.com/
Concluding what #Mastinator did by aggregating fediverse server-only posts as *bad* misses the bigger point.
Mastinator's functionality was possible.
If people don't like this, the solution is to make it not possible; not "shoot the messenger" who delivered proof of concept.
Post settings users trust were in-practice more honour system, than enforced rules.
Elements that made Mastinator possible need revision and testing by those who can spot ways to break them.
Someone from noagendasocial.com will probably send a complaint to smalldickenergy@getalife.com
Someone from noagendasocial.com will probably soon be sending a complaint to smalldickenergy@getalife.com
For anyone who wants to know more about the creator of Mastinator, Benjamin E. C. Boyter
Ben Boyter is also Codemonkey on GitHub and on Mastodon his profiles are:
@ boyter @ honk.boyter.org
@ boyter @ noagendasocial.com
@ Real_Name_Hidden (server)
Salty reply about us blocking mastinator.com by Ben Boyter @ boyter @ honk.boyter.org
Salty reply about us blocking mastinator.com by Ben Boyter @boyter @ honk.boyter.org
Comment on fait déjà pour bloquer un domaine depuis les préf de compte ? #mastinator
Das Experiment #Mastinator wurde beendet und eine der vernünftigeren Stimmen im Diskurs erklärt auf https://mastinator.com/ einige Fragen, die es aufgeworfen hat. Lesenswert!
@trankten @rober @paquita @ElenaMusk El artículo es precisamente del creador de #mastinator un ingeniero de software con 15 años de experiencia que se asomó al fdiverso para encontrarse con las cuestiones que ahí relata y donde deja al descubierto una serie de carencias que habría que repensar desde esta parte.
the discourse regarding #mastinator is interesting. Really blew up in the last couple of hours.
Not sure where to stand on it. On the one hand, it sounds handy but on the other hand, it potentially negates the purpose of blocking which can be concerning. Also keeping a centralized index of other people's toots is a red flag.
There are also accusations that the dev behind it is trying to profit off the tool by selling graph data. Don't know all of the deets on that though.
@polpo As I wrote elsewhere, blocking #Mastinator won’t make your posts any less publicly visible. If you want to send messages that less than the whole world can see, use #Signal.
After some thought, reading around other's thoughts, etc. I've decided to block #mastinator
My main reason is that it violates users' expectation of post visibility, specifically around where your posts are visible (mastodon.radio) and if you post "followers only"
For the first, this service allows anyone to see your posts on a service you don't have control over, and maybe even knowledge of.
If you post followers only, I'd suggest also approving all followers.
Dass ich auf meiner Single-User-Instanz mal nen #fediblock anwenden würde, hätte ich auch nicht gedacht… #mastinator
Al hilo del asunto #mastinator
que creo deja al descubierto muchas cosas interesantes.
Cc: @rober @paquita @ElenaMusk
#fediverse #fediblock #mastodon
Useful context on #Mastinator from its creator, also some #discussion on how to avoid bad actors
Explore the fediverse, but use block like it's a machine gun in a zombie apocalypse | Ben E. C. Boyter
#fediverse #fediblock #mastodon #mastinator #discussion
Nuestro primer #FediBlock va a ser para #mastinator. Se trata de un servicio que permite acceder anónimamente al fediverso, seguir cuentas y replicar toots, de tal manera que quedan disponibles para todo el público. Esto incluye los toots borrados, y los toots sólo para seguidores. El servicio no se limita a mirar tu actividad pública, también te sigue y obtiene tus publicaciones más restringidas.