Switching from Apache to Varnish has definitely made a big difference in performance for my Serendipitous server. Mastodon is pretty noisy and a simple thing like changing my profile summary (which generates 700+ external connections pretty much instantly) was enough to overwhelm the Apache reverse proxy server. Varnish (using Hitch for TLS) handles it with aplomb.
So what is the best approach to dealing with child porn and other illegal content in the #Fediverse, #Mastoadmins? I don't think the answer is to "not #selfhost".
#fediverse #mastoadmins #selfhost
A couple of questions for the Mastodon admins out there:
- what techniques do you use to load-test an instance?
- when you’ve made major changes to an instance (e.g. move to a new server) what sort of tests do you do before re-opening to the world?
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins #mastodon
#MastoAdmins! Is there anyone running #LibreTranslate? If so, what's your experience? How about GPU acceleration?
New instance monitoring graph.
Storage delta, showing the available storage vs the storage 24h ago.
Shows a nice red graph if the storage trends downward during more activity in the #fediverse and green again during slower days.
HELLIONS is now blocking the chatGPT scraping bot.. (and your instance should too!)
#MastoAdmins: append public/robots.txt with:
User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /
👉 https://mastodon.social/@mmitchell_ai/110878629971532782
h/t @mmitchel_ai and @paul for the heads-up 👍
pour les #mastoAdmins aventuriers, la première bêta de la version v4.2 tant attendue de Mastodon est disponible : https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.2.0-beta1 🤓
autant vous dire qu'on va passer notre tour chez les g33ks, parce qu'au vu du changelog infini, des nouvelles versions des dépendances externes requises, et autres pré-requis pour la mise à jour... on va patiemment attendre une version stable 😌
hashtag tout vient à point à qui sait attendre 🐢
I guess @aral , @Curator, @Barmaid and other #mastoAdmins would find it interesting to know that a techbro has decided to collect data on the fediverse and create, out of nowhere a new public listing of people on the fediverse, without any opt-out options btw 😅
>> https://mnemo.social/
>> @dt
source: https://mastodon.top/@dt/110845853554291838
reported to @thomas_virtubox ⚠️
:BoostOK: spread it out loud, this service has to be stopped now until our data are erased and an opt-in logic is implemented ❗
[EDIT1]: as spotted by @admin the service seems to be offline now! To be continued...
[EDIT2]: @dt has apologised and has put its service down until further adaptation to respect the privacy of people >> https://g33ks.coffee/@dt@mastodon.top/110848484182851755 👌
Salut @dt 👋
et mentions à tous les #admins #mastoAdmins et #fediAdmins ⚠️ poke @tiesselune, @tournesol, @coco et vos potes !
Je découvre à l'instant l'outil https://mnemo.social/ que tu as créé @dt disponible à tous, sur lequel je retrouve mon compte personnel 😬
Or, il ne me semble pas avoir donné un accord explicite pour pouvoir être listé sur ton service et je doute fortement que l'ensemble des personnes de mon instance aient elles aussi explicitement donné un tel accord 🤔
De plus, ta page est assez obscure car elle ne donne aucun lien pour comprendre comment fonctionne l'outil, comment faire pour s'extraire de ton listing, l'usage que tu comptes en faire etc... ⚠️
La bonne pratique il me semble en terme de gestion des données de chacun et à minima de recueillir l'accord des personnes ! Or, ce n'est pas parce que nous publions des informations publiquement sur notre serveur qu'on donne le droit à n'importe qui d'en faire n'importe quel usage, de surcroît d'en faire un listing de personnes !!! 😅
Sur notre propre serveur les personnes peuvent choisir d'apparaître ou non dans l'annuaire, d'être trouvable ou non, alors ce n'est pas pour se retrouver sur un autre annuaire public sur lequel nous n'avons pas la main 👎
Alors :
1️⃣ dans un premier temps je te demanderais de bien vouloir exclure le domaine g33ks.coffee de ton outil s'il te plaît
2️⃣ et dans un second temps je te suggère de changer la façon de récolter tes données et d'offrir la possibilité aux gens de s'inscrire, et non l'inverse
Il ne fait aucun doute que les administrateurs des autres instances vont rapidement se tourner vers toi pour faire des demandes similaires, ainsi, si tu n'es pas en capacité de réaliser rapidement le premier 1️⃣ point, et ce de façon rapide & systématique, face à la pluie de demandes qui pourrait arriver, je te suggère de couper ton service dès maintenant ❗
#admins #mastoadmins #fediadmins
How many #mastoadmins are running #yacy?
#mastoadmins #yacy #mastoadmin #mastadon #selfhosting #selfhosted #diy
Any #MastoAdmin using Dragonfly with Mastodon instead of Redis?
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins #redis #dragonflydb
I'm going to be migrating Mastodon to another server so I need to move the 162GB of files within the system/cache folder or will they be rebuilt as needed?
Is anybody else experiencing Locks in FollowRecommendationsScheduler and similar in case a backup is running at the same time?
It seems (found some evidence on the net, but no solutions) that REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW and pg_dump running in parallel come to a situation to lock each other. I experienced this a number of times now and the monitoring is nagging once again - both processes running since some 85 minutes now, normal under 5…
Starting to seem random conversations posted with regards to some instances that have either already defederated from or are thinking of defederating from firefish.social due to some things the lead developer has stated at some point that people don't agree with.
If anyone has information about this, and has solid proof of what's going on, I'd appreciate some insight and some thoughts on what other admins will be doing with regards to this.
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins #firefish
*shovels more GB into the media cache fire*
There's now quite a lot of options for hosting your own Mastodon/fediverse community.
- https://masto.host
- https://fedi.monster
- https://cloudplane.org/apps
- https://toot.io/mastodon_hosting.html
- https://communick.com
- https://spacehost.live (early access)
Exciting times!
#fediverse #mastodon #selfhosted #mastoadmins #fediadmins
As a #mastoadmins , it's interesting that you can see the increase of fediverse users by watching load and traffic of an instance. Even for a small one
I expect the impact of Elon rebranding twitter to X to top everything.
#mastoadmins brace yourselfs.
A lot of those who could block their way into believing it was not a hell hole and of those thinking they absolutely needed that platform for business will be triggered to leave by just this.
#MastoAdmins: what does it mean when the Reported Content section of a report is empty? Does that mean that the offender's server has already removed it?