Little bit late for #MastoArtStudyNumber4
Absolutely regretted my decision to pick this particular image for the Notan study but I did my best. I also felt the need to add the black background because it didn’t make much sense without it. Kind of looked like a floating head with a weird hand so I thought that was the only way to save it. :artsweats:
#DigitalArt #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt #mastoartstudynumber4
Well, I gotta say that that's a wrap for #MastoArtStudyNumber4, however there weren't any entries this time. If you wanted to participate, but didn't, could you maybe tell me why? Was the exercise too difficult, or the prompt images not good enough? Was the subject matter not relevant for you, or did you just not have the time to participate? Please let me know, so I can make some adjustments for the next exercise.
#MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber4