Here's my painting for #MastoArtStudyNumber7 using a complementary color scheme of orange and blue, with a dash of yellow and purple. I want to use this painting for our next #MastoArtStudy on composition. Now, to test my own skill in this topic, I'd like you to tell me the story of what's going on in this piece to see if your interpretation corresponds to my intentions...
#sunset #scifiart #spaceship #desert #SciFi #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber7
Allright, and that's a wrap for #MastoArtStudyNumber7! I'm hoping to see some more entries the coming days, but we'll see. I've been away from home, but when I get back I'm going to make a painting with a blue/orange color scheme, which I'm also hoping to use in next week's lesson on composition.
#colortheory #MastoArt #MastoArtStudy #mastoartstudynumber7
Finally I'm back with another #MastoArtStudy ! #MastoArtStudyNumber7
This time we're practicing color harmonies using the color wheel. The exercise: paint anything you want, but you must use a complementary color scheme or an analogous color scheme with a complementary touch. Visit my blog for an extensive lesson on the topic:
(I think it turned out really well) Deadline is 11th of april. Good luck, I'm looking forward to seeing you entries!
#colortheory #MastoArt #mastoartstudynumber7 #MastoArtStudy