I can't even with this goofy bird. I also have a matching pic from the other camera of a fluffy bird butt. What the heck would the hashtag be for parrots or other birds on Mastodon? #MastoBird? #ParrotsOfMastodon?
I also wish avatars were still square in most places because I'd 100% use this. I think round wouldn't work right.
Warning for eye contact.
I'm glad to see a few scrub jays around here--rummaging through the leaves in our roof gutter, and bathing in our improvised birdbath. They seem to have become sparse, lately, and I figured it was from all the wildfires.
#mastobird #wildfire
While on a daily morning meeting I've noticed there's another one going on outside the window, apparently... Hope they are not planning some heist. :)
Captured by @Eva #Goodfeathers #Animaniacs #bird #birp #birbposting #mastobird #pigeon
#Goodfeathers #animaniacs #bird #birp #birbposting #mastobird #pigeon
He's repeating the squeaky on his own! (Loud House in Polish in the background, sry.)
#mastobird #mastobirb #parrot #parrots #cockatiel #cockatiels #cockatielsofmastodon #petbird #bird
#bird #petbird #cockatielsofmastodon #cockatiels #cockatiel #parrots #parrot #mastobirb #mastobird
just saw the movie ARRIVAL. grabbed me and kept me on my toes although i'm terribly sleep-deprived tonight and was already passing out while watching Silicon Valley. I really liked it. So well made. Quite a masterpiece. I wonder what the book is like.
#scifi #movie #aliens #linguistics #mastobird
I also finished another rework for the forthcoming EP. Added some processing to an outtake (I call it a prequel).
Four down, three to go.
Time for short break with some reading! (This is your brain on music, by Daniel J. Levitin)