Pov' Kiki 😪
Rouge-gorge trouvé à l'instant sur la route, encore tout chaud.
Dans une zone où l'éclairage nocturne est éteint à ces heures, je ne sais pas si il y a un rapport.
A Laughing Gull peeks from behind it's outstretched wing to have it's face highlighted by the bright, morning sunshine. This was definitely a serendipitous moment to capture. Photographed on the Florida Gulf coast.
In The Spotlight is here: https://www.pictorem.com/830425/In%20The%20Spotlight%20.html
#LaughingGull #seagull #gull #bird #birds #Florida #FloridaBirds #beach #BeachBirds #photography #MastoPhoto #MastoBirds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #FediGiftShop
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A beautiful young Coopers Hawk, Accipiter Cooperii, perched on a branch, in hunting mode, in my backyard Spruce Tree with the snow gently falling, is searching for easy prey. The Coopers Hawk is territorial and my backyard seems to be part of its territory as it always seems to be in it. Wall art available with #FreeShipping
#hawk #raptor #BirdOfPrey #birds #MastoBirds #BuyIntoArt #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #nature #wildlife #BirdWatching #wallart #NatureMastodon
#freeshipping #hawk #raptor #birdofprey #birds #mastobirds #BuyIntoArt #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #nature #wildlife #birdwatching #wallart #NatureMastodon
A portrait photo of a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. As they age, they will develop the beautiful steely blue and black plumage and yellow crown of an adult. This species population is considered stable but loss of habitat by development and habitat degradation could change that status.
#NightHeron #YellowCrownedNightHeron #herons #birds #BirdPhotography #photography #MastoPhoto #WildlifeWednesday #MastoBirds #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#nightheron #yellowcrownednightheron #herons #birds #birdphotography #photography #mastophoto #wildlifewednesday #mastobirds #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #fedigiftshop
Photographed this Northern Mockingbird posing nicely in a holly tree at a local botanical park. They are a joyful little songbird who sings endlessly & tirelessly & may take the record for having the most number of songs in it's repertoire. They sing at all hours of the day & night - ask me how I know. :)
Available here: https://www.pictorem.com/827712/Birds-Northern%20Mockingbird.html
#birds #mockingbird #catbird #BirdPhotography #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #photographjy #MastoPhoto #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#birds #mockingbird #catbird #birdphotography #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #photographjy #mastophoto #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #fedigiftshop
Портрет утреннего дрозда
#mastobirds #thrush #дрозд
#mastobirds #thrush #дрозд
Winter visitors to the Sunshine State/Florida, are the beautiful American White Pelicans. Their plumage is magnificent and snow white with black wing tips. These large birds don’t dive for their food like the Brown Pelican but instead are more aquatic and catch their food while swimming along.
Available here: https://hhphotography.pixels.com/featured/the-south-end-of-a-northbound-bird-hh-photography-of-florida.html
#pelican #pelicans #WhitePelicans #birds #animals #BirdPhotography ##photography #MastoPhoto
#MastoBirds #Florida #wildlife #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#pelican #pelicans #whitepelicans #birds #animals #birdphotography #photography #mastophoto #mastobirds #florida #wildlife #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #fedigiftshop
SALE! 30% off everything in my stores on Redbubble from now until Sun Aug 20/23! Great #giftideas or treat yourself! I was thoroughly enjoying watching this tiny Ruby Throated Hummingbird as it zipped from one Buddleia blossom to another.
Both stores and Hummingbird link below
#Hummingbird #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #MastoBirds #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #nature #wildife #wild #BirdPhotography #NatureMastodon #BirdWatching
#giftideas #hummingbird #birds #birdsofmastodon #mastobirds #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #nature #wildife #wild #birdphotography #NatureMastodon #birdwatching
This Great Blue Heron is seen landing on a seashell laden sandy shoal in the ocean. This is a composite of my original bird photography and seashore/ocean textures.
The Heron And The Gull is available here: https://hhphotography.pixels.com/featured/the-heron-and-the-gull-hh-photography-of-florida.html
#GreatBlueHeron #herons #seagulls #gulls #birds #MastoBirds #BirdPhotography #BuyIntoArt #SaturdayVibes #BirdsOfMastadon #fediverse #FediGiftShop #photography #MastoPhoto
#greatblueheron #herons #seagulls #gulls #birds #mastobirds #birdphotography #BuyIntoArt #saturdayvibes #birdsofmastadon #fediverse #fedigiftshop #photography #mastophoto
A small flock of 5 American Pink Flamingos photographed wading, feeding, preening and scratching an itch in a pond at a local botanical park here in Florida. Flamingos are always fun to be around because they’re so gentle and friendly.
Pool Party is available here with #FreeShipping: https://www.pictorem.com/822613/Pool%20Party.html
#flamingo #flamingos #bird #birds #wildlife #animals #BirdPhotography #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastadon #BuyIntoArt #SaturdayVibes #photography #MastoPhoto #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#freeshipping #flamingo #flamingos #bird #birds #wildlife #animals #birdphotography #mastobirds #birdsofmastadon #BuyIntoArt #saturdayvibes #photography #mastophoto #fediverse #fedigiftshop
This is a sight frequently seen when pelicans are diving for food. Seagulls, being the opportunists they are, will often hover around hoping for an escapee from the pelicans pouch. This one took it a step further and positioned himself to better grab a tasty morsel.
Find Hitchin A Ride Here: https://hhphotography.pixels.com/featured/hitchin-a-ride-hh-photography-of-florida.html
#pelicans #seagulls #brownpelicans #birds #BirdPhotography #photography #MastoPhoto #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastadon #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#pelicans #seagulls #brownpelicans #birds #birdphotography #photography #mastophoto #mastobirds #birdsofmastadon #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #fedigiftshop
With loads of white fruit, the Red Osier Dogwood attracts the berry loving birds, especially the American Robin. The Robins are enjoying the fruit immensely and are a joy to watch as they flit in and out of this very attractive bush in Guelph Ontario Canada.
Fall Robin available here with #FreeShipping
#Robin #AmericanRobin #birds #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #nature #wild #wildlife #WildlifeWednesday #BirdPhotography #NatureMastodon #wallart #BuyIntoArt
#freeshipping #robin #AmericanRobin #birds #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #nature #wild #wildlife #wildlifewednesday #birdphotography #NatureMastodon #wallart #BuyIntoArt
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song" is a wonderful quote from Maya Angelou which suits this image perfectly. The all blue male Indigo Bunting with the head being indigo and the body being cerulean blue with black and brown, sings with cheerful gusto and looks like a scrap of sky with wings.
Available here with #FreeShipping
#InspirationalQuote #quote #birds #IndigoBunting #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #nature #BuyIntoArt
#freeshipping #inspirationalquote #quote #birds #indigobunting #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #nature #BuyIntoArt
Journée internationale du #chat me dit-on.
Un greffier par Jacques #Callot
Extrait de : Callot (Jacques), "Tant qu'il est en prison, il est en sûreté" ou "Le chat guettant l'oiseau en cage", eau-forte, chez Benoît Audran, 1628.
#mastocats #mastobirds #Callot #chat
Photographed these two beautiful Yellow-crowned Night Herons in breeding plumage, late one afternoon standing in the grass at the edge of a local pond. A complimentary texture was applied to the background.
#NightHeron #heron #birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastadon #MastoBirds #art #artwork #FediArt #photography #MastoPhoto #BuyIntoArt #PhotoMonday #MondayVibe #fediverse #ArtForSale #FediGiftShop
A Perfect Pair is available here: https://www.pictorem.com/325073/A%20Perfect%20Pair%20.html
#nightheron #heron #birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastadon #mastobirds #art #artwork #fediart #photography #mastophoto #BuyIntoArt #Photomonday #mondayvibe #fediverse #artforsale #fedigiftshop
Finally getting some hummers coming to the flowers! This female Ruby Throated Hummingbird is homing in on the sweet nectar of the scarlet Cardinal Flower.The Hummers are attracted to the bright red Lobelia which is growing in my backyard pond.
Available here with #FreeShipping
#RubyThroatedHummingbird #hummingbirds #birds #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #nature #wildlife #wild #flowers #Lobelia #NatureMastodon #NaturePhotography #wallart #garden #gardening #BuyIntoArt
#freeshipping #rubythroatedhummingbird #hummingbirds #birds #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #nature #wildlife #wild #flowers #Lobelia #NatureMastodon #naturephotography #wallart #garden #gardening #BuyIntoArt
Just a family of wild turkeys hanging out on campus, like you do.
A Pileated Woodpecker is a very large, striking, forest bird with red crest and white and black plumage. This juvenile Pileated Woodpecker could hear me, and then saw me, but was more interested in the foraging for food in the cracks of the bark on the trees.
Find it here
#woodpecker #PileatedWoodpecker #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #MastoBirds #nature #wild #wildlife #BirdPhotography #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #GiftIdeas #photography #NatureMastodon #BirdWatching #fediverse
#woodpecker #pileatedwoodpecker #birds #birdsofmastodon #mastobirds #nature #wild #wildlife #birdphotography #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #giftideas #photography #NatureMastodon #birdwatching #fediverse
The sun was setting as the Mute Swan was heading back to the nest after a long, hard day chasing Canada Geese. Sunset cast an orange glow on the slightly rippled water as the Swan gently glided home.
See it here
#swan #MuteSwan #birds #WaterfowlWednesday #waterbird #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #nature #sunset #silhouette #NaturePhotography #BirdPhotography #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#swan #muteswan #birds #waterfowlwednesday #waterbird #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #nature #sunset #silhouette #naturephotography #birdphotography #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #fediverse #fedigiftshop
This female Ruby Throated Hummingbird is hovering near the brilliant red wildflower, Lobelia Cardinalis,and is anticipating the sweet nectar that it will shortly enjoy.
Hummers Love Red available here
#Hummingbirds #RubyThroatedHummingbird #birds #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #flowers #CardinalFlower #MastoFlowers #FlowerFriday #FlowersOfMastodon #artforsale #nature #wildlife #wild #FreeShipping #BuyIntoArt
#hummingbirds #rubythroatedhummingbird #birds #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #flowers #cardinalflower #Mastoflowers #flowerfriday #FlowersOfMastodon #artforsale #nature #wildlife #wild #freeshipping #BuyIntoArt