🗺️ Paper Globe
Un site pour générer le patron d’un globe en papier à couper/plier/assembler
#cartography #maps #mastocraft
I started a new hobby (or maybe not, idk yet): sewing?! Wanted to buy a brush roll yesterday, I didn't find one, so I decided to sew one myself instead and bought fabric.
I ended up using other fabric, just to test it out and not be too sad, when it doesn't work the way I wanted, but... It's okay. It turned out okay-ish for a first time, I guess.
#brushroll #firstprojectever #sewing #mastocraft
Small crochet project in-between projects: small backpack from leftover yarn. 🎒 🧶
#fibrearts #mini #backpack #crochet #mastocraft
I had the idea to frame this miniature sketch,so I glued a piece of Acetate onto the painting itself and made a little frame out of skewers, painted with alcohol ink.
I think it turned out very cute! Might use it for journal decoration or for a new box. Let's see.
#MastoArt #MastoCraft #miniature #painting #sketch #art #watercolor
#watercolor #art #sketch #painting #miniature #mastocraft #MastoArt
Victoire !! J'ai terminé le petit vaisseau d'Outer Wilds pour mon crush :blob_wolf_hug_moon:
...par contre je l'ai eu que 2 minutes terminé dans les mains avant de l'envoyer, du coup j'ai oublié de le prendre en photo avec le vernis :shibashock:
#outerwildsart #evafoam #mastocraft
Finished this landscape sketchbook today in the early morning. 🥰✨ A shiny one!
#MastoCraft #MastoArt #CraftersOfMastodon #BookBinding #sketchbook
#sketchbook #bookbinding #craftersofmastodon #MastoArt #mastocraft
Textblock for another landscape mini sketchbook is done. Now to the cover... Well, not quite now. I want to make more textblocks first.
#crafting #sketchbook #bookbinding #mastocraft
Je suis fatiguée mais ça valait le coup de me coucher plus tard
Il est pas mignon ?? Il commence enfin à ressembler à quelque-chose, je suis tellement fière !
#OuterWilds #outerwildsart #mastocraft
So, the box WIP looks like this so far. A million tiny flowers painted on with acrylic markers, then sealed with two coats of shiny spray varnish. I have no idea what to make of the lower part of the box, yet. Maybe more flowers. 🤔
#acrylics #painting #box #upcycling #mastocraft #MastoArt
Painting another box, will add details with acrylic markers when this is sort of dried up.
#acrylicpaint #mastocraft #MastoArt
I'm giving an old pin board a make-over by painting on it with acrylics. Of course I chose a monstera leaf as motif, haha. 😁
#crafting #upcycling #MastoArt #MastoCraft #CraftersOfMastodon
#craftersofmastodon #mastocraft #MastoArt #upcycling #crafting
Some progress on my cylindrical cardboard box.
#craftersofmastodon #mastocraft #box #cardboard #wip
I'm currently working on a round box :D
#cardboard #paper #craftersofmastodon #mastocraft #craft
Wrapping the next box, this time with leftover pieces of wallpaper. 😊
#craftersofmastodon #mastocraft #crafting
Big experiment, but I was able to complete my handmade sticker albums!! I designed and had the cover printed out on leather ^^ I learned a lot and I'm excited to improve 🙏
#Genshin #GenshinImpact #bookbinding #mastocraft #MastoArt
Gonduelle, le Dragon "Gros pois carottes" s'est posé dans la boutique !
Attention, il ne compte pas dans les 5 fruits et légumes par jour ;)
#crochet #dragon #dragonplushie #amigurumi #handmade #handicraft #Mastocraft #plushies
#plushies #mastocraft #Handicraft #handmade #amigurumi #dragonplushie #dragon #crochet
Getting in just under the line (in my time zone) for #ArtJanuaryCalendar, day 1 (Happy New Year!)
These are some samples of cordage made from foraged plant materials. Honestly I forget what plants they are — I think the left and upper right might be dandelion stems, and the lower right might be Lomandra (a common Australian native grass that’s endemic to our region.)
#cordage #basketry #UsefulPlants #NativePlants #MastoArt #MastoCraft #TextileArt #dandelion #lomandra #permaculture #Ballarat
#artjanuarycalendar #cordage #basketry #usefulplants #nativeplants #MastoArt #mastocraft #textileart #dandelion #lomandra #permaculture #ballarat