guess #mastodeck has had a little whoopsie #BadGateway #HTTP502Crew
#mastodeck #badgateway #http502crew
Direi che con #Mastodeck ho toccato fino ad ora il punto piú alto nell'esperienza su #Mastodon. Ritenevo il defunto #Tweetdeck un vero e proprio gioiello e sto riscontrando lo stesso feeling: é quasi commovente.
#mastodeck #mastodon #tweetdeck
I like the way threads are shown in #PhanpySocial and #Sengi .
i LOVE all of them's design of their UIs.
I like the fact that #trunkssocial and #semaphore has themes, LOTS of themes.
I like Phanpy's and @elk 's way to translate posts.
I like #Mastodeck 's and @sengi_app 's ways to show #Tweetdeck 's look of #Mastodon .
So what do I do? Which app should I pick to stick to?
Give ideas below.
#phanpysocial #sengi #trunkssocial #semaphore #mastodeck #tweetdeck #mastodon
Do you not want pay for #XPro fka #TweetDeck - the Solution is #MastoDeck #Twitter #X #Mastodon #Fediverse
#tweetdeck #mastodeck #twitter #x #mastodon #fediverse #xpro
The best fit is #Mastodeck, a worthy copy of Tweetdeck for Mastodon...unfortunately for now multi-account support is pending. It's time to wait.
So until that time comes I'm using the #Sengi app which will help me manage both accounts with their toots, notifs, etc, which is very good and meet with my standards of use.
Keep your boosts walking (Nancy Sinatra) 😉
Is #mastodeck really buggy for anyone else? It keeps not letting me close a search column, have to refresh page instead
@clearlycrystalb @1sudo
#mastodeck is your friend #mastodon
There's also #MastoDeck
to play with.
I am sure there are more.
Para quienes quieran usar Mastodon en desktop, recomiendo #mastodeck, acá lo pueden encontrar:
@Fbrzvnrnd Se ti interessa solo vedere la locale ci sono front end come o app come Fedilab che ti permettono di aggiungere le locali pubbliche come bookmark/tab.
Si possono aggiungere anche in
In #mastodeck lassen sich die lokalen Timelines anderer Instanzen als Spalte einfügen.
Hab das jetzt für gemacht (und schon länger für und, die ehemaligen Twitter-MA*innen), könnte ich eigentlich auch noch für wisskomm und fediscience machen.
@dmandl Is there not a way to follow someone from #Mastodeck or am I just not finding it?
But I miss my explore button from the official web client.
#Mastodeck is getting there.
I do like the fact that #Mastodeck can choose to use the federated timeline from any public instance.
The only remaining issue I have with #Mastodeck is the fact that it cannot follow the search string for a comment like the official client. And the search function lives on another page that hides the entire 'deck interface.
I had to search for the comment I just retooted in the official client.
Currently trying out #mastodeck . It's pretty good but I wish there was a pitch black theme.
I'm using now #mastodeck, long overdue. Only things I miss are the custom emojis / emojos, that are not rendered, and suggesting the accounts I want to mention when I write the @ in the toot composer. Otherwise a fantastic app, not moving back.