Good morning, #Mastodentists !
Many years ago a record store colleague turned me on to ambient artist Stephan Micus. I bought his Twilight Fields at the time and have always dug his work. I dragged my girlfriend to see him at a church in Prague in 2005 or so. Picked her up at the airport and went directly to the venue. Amazing. This morning, a Spotify playlist shared a track from his 1997 album Garden of Mirrors and it made my commute so relaxing.
Happy Wednesday, #Mastodentists!
#OnThisDate in 1486 Henry VII married Elizabeth of York, thereby putting paid to the #WarsoftheRoses.
This song by #TheRainmakers has nothing to do with that bit of English history.
#therainmakers #WarsOfTheRoses #OnThisDate #mastodentists