I’d like to recommend an awesome account here on #Masto.
It’s called @FediFollows
It contains an ever evolving repository of top-notch #mastodon accounts, that exist throughout the #fediverse. i.e. suggested follows, by interest / topic.
It has been painstakingly compiled by; @FediFollows ⧉ and it’s development is ongoing.
It’s great for newcomers to fast-track to quality accounts that resonate with their interests and passions.
I think it is equally beneficial for seasoned #Mastodians who are always on the lookout for new and exciting, informative and simply ‘cool’ accounts, throughout the Fediverse.
Check it out, definitely worth a follow!
#masto #mastodon #fediverse #mastodians #makesmehappy
When I first joined #Mastodon we were told "There is no algorithm." "You are the algorithm!".
I think I may have been taking this wayyy too literally. I am also interested in so much you #mastodians have to say & share.
I'll keep boosting toots because WE are the Al Gore Rhythm.
How many #Mastodians (hello btw) take a step back and think about some of your real life "friendships" and realise that it always seems to be YOU that initiates the chat or tries to arrange to do something together?
I've stopped messaging quite a few "friends" in recent months as it felt like it was always me doing all the chasing....
Guess what... I hardly ever hear from them and I feel so much better as they aren't real friends.
Before here, I'd forgotten what true interaction and good conversation with other people was like. Thank you #Mastodon and your lovely #Mastodians
Hi fellow #mastodians. I posted this in a reply to someone on here but wanted to see if other UK peeps remember this: Do you remember Twiglets when they came in a rectangular box wrapped in cellophane? They were Peak Freans then…. #reminiscing #christmas #twiglets
#mastodians #reminiscing #christmas #twiglets
Hi fellow #mastodians. I posted this in a reply to someone on here but wanted to see if other UK peeps remember this: Do you remember Twiglets when they came in a rectangular box wrapped in cellophane? They were Peak Freans then…. #reminiscing #christmas #twiglets
#mastodians #reminiscing #christmas #twiglets
Hi fellow #mastodians. I posted this in a reply to someone on here but wanted to see if other UK peeps remember this: Do you remember Twiglets when they came in a rectangular box wrapped in cellophane? They were Peak Freans then….
Good morning #mastodians - Dragging myself around the streets first thing this morning with the dogs in the mildish temp but windy and rainy, I thought I’d indulge a bit and rewind to those halcyon days of last summer, when every morning was a prelude to another scorcher! I like this shot as you can feel the heat emanate from the picture, as the sun climbs in the sky. Doggies of course were happy to go out early before flopping in front of the fan! #dogsofmastodon #dogs #gsd
#mastodians #dogsofmastodon #dogs #gsd
@hellbells Us Essex #mastodians need to stick together in this frontier world! Just remember use lots of hashtags to get to relatable content. #Essex #newbie
@5ciFiGirl Welcome aboard the #Mastodon train! Choo choo! All of the #Mastodians greet thee! 😸
Good morning #Mastodians
Its started out a good day even though it's raining, but wait! I see blue sky approaching.