Zoran B. · @zoranbee
77 followers · 41 posts · Server masto.ai

8am. We have our to ourselves. Not a dog in sight, except ours. It feels somehow rich, privileged, having a private beach. For the morning I feel like a ! Better, actually, because when I awake from my rich dream, I won’t be an asshole like them real millionaires. 😉

#doggie #beach #millionaire #mastodiary #diary

Last updated 1 year ago

mothbug · @mothbug
15 followers · 94 posts · Server social.otepoti.dev

I’ve got long covid + am only now! Just! Recovering from some other viral infection that has combo’d with it & kept me from leisurely holidays and volunteering and work for the past month. ✌️🛌 Truly getting desperate for frolicking and running and biking again, it’s so helpful for my self-image & mental health… walking just ain’t cutting it for me. Let me not be stagnant! Please! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥🛐 Back at work tomorrow 😷 & looking forward to biking in & getting my antihistamine script. 🌺🚲🌻

#mastodiary #toot

Last updated 2 years ago

mothbug · @mothbug
15 followers · 94 posts · Server social.otepoti.dev

I’ve got long covid + am only now! Just! Recovering from some other viral infection that has combo’d with it & kept me from leisurely holidays and volunteering and work for the past month. ✌️🛌 Truly getting desperate for frolicking and running and biking again, it’s so helpful for my self-image & mental health… walking just ain’t cutting it for me. Let me not be stagnant! Please! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥🛐 Back at work tomorrow 😷 & looking forward to biking in & getting my antihistamine script. 🌺🚲🌻 #😫

#mastodiary #toot

Last updated 2 years ago

mothbug · @mothbug
15 followers · 94 posts · Server social.otepoti.dev

I’ve got long covid + am only now! Just! Recovering from some other viral infection that has combo’d with it & kept me from leisurely holidays and volunteering and work for the past month. ✌️🛌 Truly getting desperate for frolicking and running and biking again, it’s so helpful for my self-image & mental health… walking just ain’t cutting it for me. Let me not be stagnant! Please! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥🛐 Back at work tomorrow 😷 & looking forward to biking in & getting my antihistamine script. 🌺🚲🌻

#mastodiary #toot

Last updated 2 years ago