Observation with Mastodon lately, my cache suddenly filling much much slower and I cannot figure out why. Did you observe the same ? I'm on 4.1.1 now
#mastodon #mastodon4 #mastoadmin #selfhost #vps
#MastoAdmin is there a golden rule for when to #update? Like, don't update to X.x version if you don't feel adventurous, only go for X.0x versions?
Bit scared to update my rather new instance as I don't feel competent enough to find and fix a broken limb, yet. But I use #-follow a lot and would much like to see the improvements live.
#mastoadmin #update #mastodon4
Uppgraderingen till den senaste versionen av Mastodon är nu klar.
Här finns hela listan över ändringar: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.1.0
The upgrade to the latest version av Mastodon is now complete, the changelog can be found here: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.1.0
#mastodon4 #upgrade #mastodonnu
Hey! One of my bug reports was used to fix an issue in #Mastodon4.1. cool shit!
Uppgradering till senaste versionen av Mastodon börjar strax, aktuell status går att se här: https://status.mastodon.nu/
Upgrade to the latest version of Mastodon will begin shortly, status and updates can be viewed here: https://status.mastodon.nu/
#mastodonnu #upgrade #mastodon4
Nytt Patreon-inlägg publicerat.
https://www.patreon.com/posts/78536186 #mastodon4 #update #patreon
Ok, just updated Mastodon to the latest v4.1 release and run my small script to increase the character limit to 5000.
this was painless and fast.
btw. it is still the Ruby 3.0.4p208.
And Postgres 14.6
Did anyone update Ruby to 3.2 and Postgres to 15.1?
Bad Idea? Benefits?
#mastodon #mastoadmin #v4.1 #mastodon4.1
#docker #ubuntu #vps #admin #linux
#mastodon #mastoadmin #v4 #mastodon4 #docker #ubuntu #vps #admin #linux
I see #Mastodon4.1.0 is out. Won't be upgrading just yet because it's late / I've had a bottle of wine / I'm tired!!
Anyone know if it's possible to put certain accounts you follow only on defined List(s) and *not* have them show up on the Home timeline?
There are a few news-type accts or bots I want to look at separately at times of my choosing, via a list instead of having them mixed in with my timeline.
So far I can only find the mute option but that also prevents them from showing up in the List view.
(pls boost if not answered)
Before v4, Mastodon used to simply show the instance name and the number of notifications in parentheses in the tab name:
Toot Café (3)
Now it also shows the right-most column's title (irritating), but doesn't show number of notifications at all (even more irritating):
"Getting started - Toot Café"
So no way to tell if any, or how many notifications w/o clicking to open it.
Is there any way to revert it back? (even with custom CSS if necessary?)
(pls boost if not answered yet)
also ich muss es mal sagen #mastodon4 hat speichetechnisch einen quantensprung gemacht im vergleich zu #mastodon3 - ich habe seit ich upgraded habe NIE wieder speicherplatz problem - alles wird sauber selbständig gelöscht....
Happy to announce that I finished a migration of this instance to a better located Data Center, and added an Object Storage Bucket for media files. Now stuff are running smoothly, and relays data is coming like snow.
@paul_briley @InverclydeSwimmer @jamesdyke Great thread guys. Love the respect everyone is showing to different opinions… Thank you. #Mastodon4
One thing I've noticed about Mastodon v4.0.2 is that unlike a previous version, it doesn't allow for both searching for hashtags in one box while typing a post in another box of the same window. One has to open two Mastodon windows to accomplish this in v4.0.2, which is not as convenient.
I am sharing 2 links that helped me to configure the Translation feature on #Mastodon4.
How to Activate the #Mastodon v4 DeepL API Text Translation Service
So far, I can tell #DEEPL is better (Free up to 500k characters a month). #LibreTranslate is good too, it's free, but depending on your needs can take a big slice of your storage capacity. On small :mastodon: instances I guess DEEPL is enough, and does the job.
#mastodon4 #mastodon #deepl #libretranslate
Starting on #Mastodon 4, they added a nice feature: Ability to follow #hashtags. I'm trying it now, after adding some relays to this new created #instance with #mastodon4 , and after a couple of days that some posts populated the #federated timeline, I started to follow some hashtags from there. I made this short video showing that option. If you are new in mastodon, and still don't know which accounts to follow, you can start by following hashtags that you are interested in.
#mastodon #hashtags #instance #mastodon4 #federated
Starting on #Mastodon 4, they added a nice feature: Ability to follow #hashtags. I'm trying it now, after adding some relays to this new created #instance with #mastodon4 , and after a couple of days that some posts populated the #federated timeline, I started to follow some hashtags from there. I made this short video showing that option. If you are new in mastodon, and still don't know which accounts to follow, you can start by following hashtags that you are interested in.
#mastodon #hashtags #instance #mastodon4 #federated
#Mastodon4 #Introduction #PairAid #Help
Ah, j'y pense !
Imaginez, Mastodon qui a réussi l'exploit de gros cerveau auquel Twitter n'avait pas pensé :
Quand vous activez les notifications de vos abonnements, vous recevez une notification lorsqu'iels publient quelque chose. Et c'est tout.
Pas ses commentaires, pas son flood, pas ses échanges + ou - houleux et/ou intéressants.
Magique, non ? 😁
#mastodon4 #introduction #PairAid #help
Depuis hier soir, j’ai installé #Mastomods comme base pour le nouveau #thème de mon instance #Mastodon4.
Rien que pour les variables css native, ça fait du bien !
:github: https://github.com/trwnh/mastomods
This is such a welcome feature with the new update!
#translate #MastodonUpdate #mastodon4