I just had an exchange in which I shared info about feditrends. The first person said “what does that have to do with the conversation” and the second one said “I know about it but I can really only get what I want from Twitter”.
Don’t be these people.
If someone shares a tool with you - if you already know it’s useful… BOOST IT!
If someone goes out of their way to reply to you, don’t act like they’re stupid.
I unfollowed the person I was following and blocked them both.
I’m not here for that.
Y’all. This is useful. Shows trending mastodon hashtags. And they are clickable links. https://freebird.network/ #mastodon411
Gotta use #hashtags to allow people to discover content. Regular folks AND journalists. Telling people that often results in “don’t tell me what to do” or “troll”. It’s frustrating. It doesn’t help me if y’all use hashtags. It helps all of mastodon to find your content. It’s like folks are coming here and deliberately breaking it. Flooding servers with content no one will see. @shatter @mattblaze @mark @WowSuchCyber
Here’s a thing to create a Twitter archive. https://tinysubversions.com/twitter-archive/make-your-own/ #migrationTips #mastodon411
Here’s a thing to create a Twitter archive. https://tinysubversions.com/twitter-archive/make-your-own/ #migrationTips #mastodon411
Two tools y’all might like.
This one shows trending hashtags based on chunks of time.
And this one shows top “trending” links across the fediverse.
@futurebird It is so amazing that this exists. And that nearly everyone here is also amazing. BUT… it will require that people who can help pay for everything, actually do. Check how your server raises funds and contribute if you can. #mastodon411
Just. Seriously folks. Imagine you travel to Japan. The custom is no shoes in the house. You see shoes and guest slippers in the vestibule. But screw custom. You LIKE TO WEAR SHOES. So you walk in. And when the other folks politely tell you “no shoes”, you say you don’t care to understand why they don’t wear shoes and hell if you’re taking them off. That’s your right. But none of the other folks there are inviting you anywhere. Ever. How about we try to respect each other? #Mastodon411
Just. Seriously folks. Imagine you travel to Japan. The custom is no shoes in the house. You see shoes and guest slippers in the vestibule. But screw custom. You LIKE TO WEAR SHOES. So you walk in. And when the other folks politely tell you “no shoes”, you say you don’t care to understand why they don’t wear shoes and hell if you’re taking them off. That’s your right. But none of the other folks there are inviting you anywhere. Ever. How about we try to respect each other? #Mastodon411
@thomasareed @mattblaze yeah that does seem hella bossy. Just to be unsolicited-ly helpful THOUGH. There are many folks that need alt-text and folks who support them. Those people won’t follow you if you don’t add alt text. Their choice. There are folks that don’t care to see some kinds of content. If you choose not to use CWs then those folks won’t follow you. They may mute/block you. Their choice. And your choice. But the earlier folks actually need to tell the new folks. #Mastodon411
@boxofmarmots if people used hashtags it’d be really easy to pick what you’re in the mood for. News would show news. YouLot would show sloppy real life. Mastodon really requires hashtags to work. But no one really listens so here we are in a sloppy but wonderful mess. #Mastodon411
Just had another frustrating incident. Listen. If you use a hashtag unrelated to your content I will block you. Don’t do it. It’s rude. It’s manipulative. We are really trying not to be “those people” here. Please stop. #mastodon411
Just had another frustrating incident. Listen. If you use a hashtag unrelated to your content I will block you. Don’t do it. It’s rude. It’s manipulative. We are really trying not to be “those people” here. Please stop. #mastodon411
Did you know you can mute people for selected time periods? Three days, for example. Or seven days. Or less. #Mastodon411
Did you know you can mute people for selected time periods? Three days, for example. Or seven days. Or less. #Mastodon411
@psneeze @MinceirBeoir that’s just not true. Use hashtags. Post an # introduction with the tag! Reply to people. Boost. Favorite. You have to look for engagement but the people are here. Keep looking. And welcome. #mastodon411
Y’all. If this is going to be home from now on, I promise you’ll enjoy it more if you organize the accounts you follow using lists. #mastodon411
Y’all. If this is going to be home from now on, I promise you’ll enjoy it more if you organize the accounts you follow using lists. #mastodon411
@NLAWScametovisit runs from the room screaming…… BOOST!!!!! Also follow lots. And use #hashtags. And do an introduction with the hashtag # Introduction - remove the space. Likes are like a pat on the back to the writer. They are fine. Sweet. Kinda cute. But boost more. #mastodon411
Folks are coming to mastodon cuz they’ve heard we are nice. And people really like acknowledgement. It’s so easy here. Just like their toot/post :toot: - like all the dogs and cats and sheep and sculpture and poems and news and all the things. Unless you don’t actually like it. Then don’t. And if you think other people might like it then BOOST! #mastodon411