Nemo_bis 🌈 · @nemobis
1111 followers · 4566 posts · Server

@andrewjbtw Even more annoying for me is that the self-search for tagged posts, e.g. unconditionally excludes public replies, in addition to any unlisted posts. I need to grep my account export to find my own posts, or use something like .

#mastodonarchive #mastometa #FediMeta

Last updated 1 year ago

Lapineige · @Lapineige
738 followers · 109841 posts · Server

Do you know or wish to use Mastodon Archive ?

It's a tool to archive and visualise your messages/favorites/bookmarks/media… to delete them, or to search in your archive, for Mastodon (and Mastodon-API compatible software).

I'm considering (one day ™️) to make a graphical interface for it.
I'm wondering if that would respond to a real need, or if it's not worth it for just so few people 😅 🤔

Please vote only if you (would) use it.



Last updated 1 year ago

Lapineige · @Lapineige
738 followers · 109838 posts · Server

Vous connaissez ou utilisez Mastodon Archive ?

C'est un utilitaire pour archiver, visualiser ses messages/favoris/médias… de Mastodon et compatibles, ainsi que pour supprimer ses messages ou faire une recherche.

J'envisage (un jour ™️) d'y créer une interface graphique. Je me demande si ça répondrait à un vrai besoin, où si ça ne vaut pas la peine de faire tout ce travail pour 3 personnes 🤔

Ne votez que si l'outil vous ser(virait) svp.



Last updated 1 year ago

francks · @francks
257 followers · 7101 posts · Server

@kensanata yes ! I had generated HTML files and just open in Firefox. Now I'm going to try some local search engine, because it is THE why I was happy to find your 😊

It seems that bookmarks are missing or I don't see where they are 🤔 and medias from bookmarks seems to fail to download (json says: error "Too many requests"). Does GitHub ( is a good place for this kind of issues+support ?


Last updated 1 year ago

francks · @francks
258 followers · 7090 posts · Server

Maintenant que j'ai testé ( qui fonctionne au poil, je crois que je peux exprimer ma recherche plus précisément :

Je cherche un moyen de dupliquer dynamiquement le flux complet d'un compte vers un blog.

icône boosts appréciés 😊

#masto #mastodonarchive

Last updated 1 year ago

francks · @francks
258 followers · 7085 posts · Server

🙏 merci @kensanata pour 🤩

Un joli script python facile à installer qui archive tout un compte tout bien. Une fois le compte archivé sur l'ordi, on peut y naviguer avec un navigateur web en local, y retrouver ses photos les boost les fav, tout.

En plus l'utilisation est top bien documentée (in english) on peut télécharger à partir d'ici : (🤔 les liens locaux de cette page sont HS)

ici :

ou ici :

#masto #mastodonarchive

Last updated 1 year ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
597 followers · 3408 posts · Server

@profcarroll @peterdutoit

I'm pretty interested in that and am gathering interesting information at along with other hashes.

It seems necessary since not all users know each other like pre .

#mastodonarchive #twittermigration #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
597 followers · 3408 posts · Server

@Wihtlore @woo @beasts

Yes. Thats a concern. I'm starting a and doing a literature search to find out what the options are to help all the new owners avoid expensive mistakes.

#mastodonarchive #mastodonserver

Last updated 2 years ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
581 followers · 3295 posts · Server

So archiving costs money. Text is pretty cheap but what is the archive policy of most servers and do toolsets exist to identify popular toots, or toots that act as nexuses for curation or ones that are heavily bookmarked as these seem like ones worth saving.

Twitter content makers have identified deletion of old material as a concern in moving.

#mastodoncuration #mastodonarchive #mastodonserver #moderationtools #mastodondesign #mastodonfailuremodes

Last updated 2 years ago

gnostic daemon · @gnosticdaemon
27 followers · 158 posts · Server

Having issues using . When using 7-zip to extract the .tar archive file to a folder, it yields a non-tar file of the same exact size as the .tar file, which seems weird. While it contains my likes, I can't see my toots, which all but defeats the purpose of archiving at all. In searching for guidance on google, I'm offered technical code, which is beyond most people. Am I doing something wrong or are toots simply too difficult to archive. @tinker @feditips

#mastodonmigration #mastodonarchive

Last updated 2 years ago

codesections · @codesections
2553 followers · 8514 posts · Server


Apologies if I'm missing something basic, but is it the case that the HTML and text archives generated by do not include favorites even if the .json archive was set up to include favorites? If so, is there a setting to have a HTLM/text archive of favorites or is that not supported at the moment?


Last updated 6 years ago